And....another celebrity dolt.....

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John Cleese as "Tim.....the enchanter."

See....I *really* liked Morgan Freeman.....until now.   Actually, I *REALLY* liked John Cleese as well, until he waxed philosophical on some conspiracy of 9/11 and how Bush pushed the button as well.  Now I just love their acting but would rather they just stuck to acting.

Morgan Freeman ran into Obama at some golf course and anyways after Freeman told Obama what to do about his re-election yadda yadda. (BTW - Freeman has genuine slave blood in him, and a freed-slave name, "Freeman" - much more than that half-white Kenyan impostor who's never suffered so much oppression as he has when he became president and didn't get his way immediately after living a gifted life of Ivy League Schools and foreign education)dsf

Morgan Freeman.....well....Morgan the actor
On Obama’s chances for re-election Freeman added, “If I could vote for him 1,000 times, I would.”

“I think he’s been horribly sandbagged, and it makes me so angry,” he said.

Yeah.....say your lines Morgan, look pretty for the camera, and while I respect your opinion, you were horribly wrong about Obama and are either seriously in denial or....just don't get it.  

Say your lines....

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