Ron Paul Calls Perry What I Thought He Is....A RINO.....

posted by sooyup on

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I'd vote for Ron Paul in the Primaries - second pick is Romney.   Ron Paul is really the only constitutional voice that is constistent with what America is, historically and originally.  We'd see our national government SHRINK under Ron Paul,   Romney's got business experience.  But Perry?  All fluff, swagger and swearing but no substance.  A former Democrat.  Another "Obama" in terms of nothing to run on.

Its interesting that Ron Paul and Rick Perry are both from Texas - so for Ron Paul to criticize Perry's record is fitting.

In a letter to the Perry Campaign, Ron Paul noted that Rick Perry:
Praised Hillarycare in the 1990's
Pushed for federal stimulus funds
Supported welfare for Illegals
Backed mandatory vaccination against STD's for 12 year old girls
Raised taxes twice as governor
More than doubled Texas' debt during his time in office

“You supported ALL of these bad ideas that are inconsistent with how most Republicans understand conservatism, yet you now try to swagger your way into the tea party,” said Ron Paul's letter.

That's what I was thinking.....

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