Scientist Doesnt Believe In Global Warming!

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A Nobel Prize laureate scientist has resigned from the American Physical Society (we sure this has to do with physics?)  over his disagreement with the society's position on global warming. 

"In the APS it is ok to discuss whether the mass of the proton changes over time and how a multi-universe behaves, but the evidence of global warming is incontrovertible?" he wrote in an email to Kate Kirby, executive officer of the physics society. 
"The claim … is that the temperature has changed from ~288.0 to ~288.8 degree Kelvin in about 150 years, which (if true) means to me is that the temperature has been amazingly stable, and both human health and happiness have definitely improved in this 'warming' period," his email message said.

The change in temperature for us Americans would mean temperature has increased from 59F to 60.44F ( a change of 1.44F). (HOLY BLEEP! Is it that much???? WHOAH!)  
Given that temperature fluctuations are a part of the continuance of time, even with mankind's pollution....correlation doesn't conclude causation.
I would expect that if mankind's pollution of CO2 is in fact causing the earth to warm, then why hasn't the temperature severely spiked with the eruption of  the Icelandic Volcano this year which spewed more pollution into the air than mankind has since the commencement of the industrial revolution? 

One has to ask, what other variables are there besides pollution that can affect temperature fluctuations?

Lastly, how reliable is the placement of the temperature measuring equipment being used to sample world temperatures?  Are large numbers of them being put on top of fire-hydrants in a giant parking lot at Wal Mart in the Las Vegas desert?  Are they being placed next to sewer lines in the middle of urban areas?  Or is the placement - the sampling method - truly random and representative of the diversity of areas in the earth?

Just asking.  All questions that need to be answered.

She's a witch!
I've been somewhat disappointed myself with the politics of the American Psychological Association when I was an affiliate of it in regards to their actions concerning waterboarding for the US Military for intelligence purposes.  Societies such as the Amercan Physical Society and American Psychological Association operate on democratic principles - AKA mob rule.  If you get a majority vote (50.001%) in favor of a resolution, it becomes policy. 
And we all know how reliable public opinion put to a vote - regardless of education - is, given that science has been wrong more than religion.
Coming up,  we'll vote on whether the earth is flat, followed by what is the best way to detect a witch or someone practicing witchcraft, and then whether electrons follow valance orbits or the cloud theory, followed by a discussion on string theory,  then we'll vote whether the "missing links" in evolution are "monkey enough/human enough" to truly be the missing links, and then we'll vote on whether light is a particle or a wave. 

Afterwards, we'll all dismiss to the parlor lounge for cigars and brandy and congratulate ourselves on being masters of the universe and how intelligent we are and mock the rest of the public in smug satisfaction over our diplomas.

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