Assange & Wikileaks Not That Big A Deal........COULD BE WORSE!

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Obviously you've heard of Julian Assange - the Wikileaks proprietor and releaser of thousands of secret U.S. diplomat communiques.

I honestly don't think it's that big a deal that they were released however.  Let me tell you why.

1) The highest level of info on there is "Secret" - nothing above that.

2) About anything that's "Secret" is going to be known by your enemies anyways.  Its when you get above Top Secret that things get serious.

3) Every country plays the espionage game.  All embassies are used for spying.  If someone is NOT using their embassy for spying - they are wasting a perfectly good embassy. You've got sovereign turf in a foreign country: DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH IT! EVERYBODY'S DOIN' IT......BUT YOU!

4) If you REALLY want to do some damage, do what Hanson of the FBI did.  Don't let the country you're screwing over know just how much you've released and do it covertly and don't do it for money.  Now the U.S. knows exactly what's been released.  We know what everyone has.  Now we know what game to play with it all.  Want to REALLY shaft us?  Do it so we don't know. 

The one that made me laugh though was Vladimir Putin getting all up in arms over the US's spying.  LOL.  The former head of the KGB upset over spying.  Here's a picture to show you just what Vladimir used to do in his younger days.

Obviously the Soviets weren't that fond of Ronnie Ray-gun because he wanted to kick their ass and knew who and what they were.  But here we see Vladimir carrying out a KGB assignment: To see just how close they could get a KGB agent to the US president for intel or an assassination.  That's our enemy right there y'all.  Standing three feet away from the president with a camera that could be a weapon to kill our president and they wanted to!  Had he been given orders to in this instance, he could have and would have. 

And Vladimir is just OUTRAGED that the US would SPY!  I don't know which is funnier, that the public is ignorant enough to not know what embassies are for and how much espionage goes on in the world, or that Vladimir would actually take the bait and say something when EVERYONE KNOWS this is how the game is played.  Maybe we should release some Russian intelligence cables.

But if you want to see a good movie on the topic, for you hollywood types, check out the movie "Breach." 

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