Convicted Killer Censured Instead of Executed..........appeals sentence.......

posted by sooyup

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Censure (pronounced /ˈsɛnʃər/) is a process by which a formal reprimand is issued to an individual by an authoritative body.

A convicted killer who was found guilty of murdering three small boys, ages 3, 5 and 7, and found guilty of abduction and sodomy in the first degree on three girls, ages 5, 6 and 8, was instead censured and released from prison and released on his own cognizance. 

The Killer, Mr. Charles Rangel of New York, remained defiant after the sentencing.  Despite being released with no requirements to repay or serve a sentence, Rangel remained defiant - stating he was "not going to be judged by this court" and that nobody had a right to judge him that way and that he was going to appeal his sentence to have his good name cleared.

Okay, not really, I just made that up.  However it does throw into sharp relief just how light a sentence censure really is.  But to hear Representative Rangel get his panties in a wad over being censured for ethics violations and rail that he's not going to be judged by congress - yet still gets to keep his seat - just shows you just how immoral and ungrateful some people can be.

Mr. Rangel?  We're all going to have to account for our actions in this life after this and what you went through today was but a small taste of what's to come and it didn't even carry any real serious consequences other than a blow to your pride. 

I don't know how many American Citizens could get away with what you have and only be "censured" and then be defiant about it.

Count your blessings man!  Straighten up and fly right! 

I think I'm just going to leave it at that.

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