How to prove I'm not

posted by sooyup

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No really.

I can show you pictures of me with colored people and the people I hired who aren't white and I even watched BET at work with the girls I worked with.  It was Mo-Nique.  That proves that I'm not racist, right?

Not enough?

Hmmm.....what else can I do to PROVE I'm not racist.

I guess that doesn't prove a whole lot.  Even if I married a non-white girl and had kids with her that might not be enough because I could just be using her to humiliate her with my spawn and thereby disrespecting her....heck....I am probably disrespecting the non-white community by even spending time with her and it probably has nothing to do with my feelings whatsoever - or my SUPPOSED feelings. can I prove I'm not racist?


Nah....could be staged.  Besides - she's not dark enough.

And she's not standing close enough.  It could even be argued that I snuck up behind her with the sign and took advantage of her without her knowing my intentions when I was secretly using her - again abuse - WHEN WILL IT STOP????  MAN! PICKING COTTON JUST WASNT ENOUGH FOR ME!  I gotta humiliate them 150 years after the emancipation!  (If that was me in the picture)

Man....what to do....what can I do to PROVE that I'm not racist.....

I mean even in the photo it looks like he's grabbing her rear.....more abuse.  Or it was photo shopped.

I guess there's just no way around it.  If you're lucky enough for people to see past your color if you're white - then take it and run with it.  But if not - you're stuck and there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO!

Maybe I could sell "Not racist kits" on the internet for white people.

What would you put in a not-racist kit?

Dreadlock wig?
Poster of Jimmi Hendrix?
Poster of Dr. King?
Rasta beanie?
Obama bumper stickers?   THAT MIGHT WORK!   That is the symbol of enlightenment....Obama.

It would have to be a t-shirt of Obama actually because once I got out of my car I'd be racist again until people saw me get in the non-racist car from behind.

So I guess my not-racist-kit would have to include an Obama T-Shirt and Hat.  But then I have to dig out my Not-an-Idiot-who-voted-for-obama-kit.

See, there's a tradeoff.  I'm not racist but now I'm a moron who destroyed my country by voting for a kenyan imbecile.

So how to counteract the Obama shirt while maintaining my new-founded not-racist status? slash through obama?   No.....racist.

Hmmm....I'm not sure there's a way around all this....if I figure it out I'll sell some "Not Racist Kits" on ebay though.

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