It's good I didn't become an officer as an Army psychologist.....

posted by sooyup

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I wanted to be an Army psychologist so so badly.  I wanted to take an officer's commission so so badly.  Every time I prayed about it I got the answer "NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!"   I wanted to be a psychologist so so so badly and an officer.  I wanted it for my children and my family.  Being a military officer has an element of prestige that is useful for your kids.  But today - legislation is passing in our military which would require me to compromise my moral and religious values of letting gays serve openly in the military.  Not that I have anything wrong with gays serving in the military or with people being gay.  But I have a problem with knowing that military culture is about to be flipped on its head in the long time - sure they will "behave" just to show everyone they are "harmless" but ultimately as we all know, the Officer's Wive's clubs and other such things are going to be disbanded in the name of equality - what it is going to do to the school curriculum in the schools on the military bases for the kids?  I don't know. What would I be subjecting my kids to?  I don't know.

I would have hoped to use the scholarships I would have gotten as an army officer to pay off my Doctoral Degree, it would have been something I would have loved - the military - and psychology.  But even a chaplain has more discretion than a psychologist does in the military.  I could have handled everything except this. I support waterboarding as a means of interrogation.  Been in the line of fire.  Had to make some hard decisions.  Volunteered for some dangerous stuff.  Not a medal of honor recipient or a purple heart receipient.  But what do I mean by all that?  Knowing how the military works, I'm afraid I would have had to give politically correct answers not consistent with therapy under given military law.  I can't say it would be helpful to the individual.  

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