
posted by sooyup on ,

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Well - HOW DE DO!  Ain't this a sight to behold?   WOW!  I guess my side of the fence - the conservative side - is even more fed up than I thought it was!  OOOOOOWEEE!  Wow! 

I couldn't fit it all in the title up there though.  Actually a portion of Arizona's senate (The we-hate-illegals-and-are-inherently-racist-white-supremacist-republican-bastards-committee) passed a bill denying citizenship to the children of illegals which goes to the full Arizona senate - and the dems in Arizona's house don't have the numbers in either chamber to stop the bill.

Now, as my friend, Arlin,  who is an analyst - very analytical analyst - pointed out - the wording of the 14th amendment (which is only spelled with 1 "M" - check it! Don't put an extra "M" in there! Spell check will get you every time! It does me!  It SOUNDS like it needs two - but your lexical lyrical host has found it in fact only needs ONE "M".) actually appears to deny citizenship to illegals with its wording. 

I just so happen to have a copy of the 14th amendment text RIGHT HERE! Let me put it on my blog so you can see it: Ahem! Please stand back! (Unfold - crinkle - crumple)  This is the original so please be careful!  Please be careful!

protesters arguing over my blog...or the bill I wrote about in my blog...
Section. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

I won't call Arlin's observations a technicality because I believe there is something to what he's saying.  His observation was as follows (Ahem).

Those born here illegally - have not subjected themselves to the jurisdiction of the U.S. They are living outside U.S. law.  Because they are here illegally and have chosen to skirt U.S. law for illegal gain, they have chosen to remain subject to their former domicile or country of citizenship.  Therefore, the children born to illegals are not here legally and their parents have forfeited their rights to citizenship being bestowed up on them.

In other words - if they don't obey the law - why should they benefit from the law?  But more than that - if you aren't following the law - how can you expect to benefit from the law?

Now this set up a fight in the supreme court as a ruling on the issue.  Arizona's thrown off the politically correct gloves with all this!   Which is fine - needs to be done!  We can't and won't survive as a country if we can't be honest with ourselves about ourselves about what we got going on and need to solve!  So - lets let the issue go to the supreme court and get some national attention and polarize the fray and bring out the contenders on both sides!  I only wish what's her butt - the chola racist wise ass latina fraud who got put on the supreme court last years and "cry me a river Kegan" who cant even remember to pull her keys out of her car when she gets out of it and leaves it running all night (CONTRIBUTING TO GLOBAL WARMING!) because "she's so busy doing other important things" - who also made it to the supreme court - weren't on it.

Idiocy like that gives me hope y'all though.  If those frauds can make it - I can definitely make it in this world. 

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