Another tune I heard today but this time on the radio in my office late at night. Catchy funky tune. Something I might toke to....if I did drugs....maybe I'll start....because of this song. And then sue them for ruining my life. I live in Oregon - we got like the world's largest marijuana trade here! In fact the largest marijuana bust in world history (at one point anyways) came from behind my girlfriend's girlfriend' a minute.
Anyways....I hear we have the best weed in the world.....hmmmm......brb gonna run to 7/11 some stuff....yeah....."stuff".....
Okay - I'm back....and got the munchies.....

She sold her love to a modern man
Cause solid currency's the hardest to love
All other modern hels you cover your eye
Don't let the lady finger blow in your hat
Feel like a daughter
She's like a star tonight
Without wanting
She gave up
The ghost inside
Just like a whiskey bottle drained on the floor
She got no future, just a love to endure
This gives some matter to shaking her hide
Feel like a daughter
She's like a star tonight
Without wanting
She gave up
The ghost inside
They call it chivalry
Never pull a punch for free
You ever wonder what it had to move on
This phony article
That put you on the floor
Here we look when we walk
Feel like a daughter
She's like a star tonight
Without wanting
She gave up
The ghost inside
Was it all for show?
To turn into all of them
Turning a page
Trust me darlin'
I'm carving 'em up through the dust in your town
Crawling over rubble just to sound me out
Tend to wonder why?