Barf Brigade Report...


posted by sooyup on

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My son is up barfing late at night.  The other night it was my daughter.  If you remember a while back I was so desperate when I was puking that I was willing to down fish-filter that's standard fare in our house.  Upset stomach?  Activated carbon charcoal. 

My son's the picky one.  That kid won't eat ANYTHING that's not done exactly right.  Charcoal?  You mean like tasting sand or eating wet dirt?   Mmmmm...good luck with that one.  Until.....tonight.  He's desperate!

As usual - once you down it your stomach still gurgles but the charcoal goes to work sucking up the germs and viruses that upset your stomach.  Within a moment his stomach had calmed down.  Good work Dad!    Though I'm exhausted from being sick myself and on barf brigade for however long now however many nights in a row.  I'm just wasted.   Actually, wasted was like a few days ago.

I don't quite know what this is that I'm feeling.  Some new dimension and level of sick on the final frontier of sickness before I cave to something completely debilitating and needing to be in the hospital - but c'est la vie je crois - du moins....pour moi c'est ca.

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