Archive for March 2011

How to Go On A Family Outing...

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How To Plan And Execute (note use of word "execute") a Family Outing.

1 - do no planning whatsoever - make sure the trip is spontaneous to maximize the fun-potential and freedom

2 - begin to sigh a breath of relief about how you feel free because you're spontaneous and going out with your family

This is my kids right here....actually this was today...
3 - however plan to get up early on the day of the outing because going out late will not give you enough time to be fully free
4 - in the spirit of being fully free - and spontaneous - stay up wayyyyy too late so that getting up early isn't even a possibility

5 - refuse to set an alarm because that's too stressful
6 - oversleep
7 - enjoy oversleeping
8 - feel free and unstressed from oversleeping
9 - slowly wake up
10 - realize now you don't have all the time in the world you needed because you stayed up too late and overslept
11 - begin to stress
12 - continue to adhere to the plan of no plans and run around in chaotic fashion barking at the kids because they aren't moving fast enough
13 - get into an argument with the wife about how nothing's where you need it to be and the totally free and unplanned and spontaneous mentality has cut into your ability to be totally free and unplanned and spontaneous
14 - wife bark at dad for getting on the kids
15 - kids act oblivious and continue to run around like hellions
16 - as an alternative to 15 - begin to cry
17 - dad bark at kids for not being happy we're going on a family outing
18 - husband and wife get mad at each other as they rush over each other still maintaining the plan of no planning while trying to plan and trying to have fun
19 - kids go outside finally and make so much noise they aggravate the neighbors
20 - dad open car and let kids in and shut doors so they can't be heard murdering each other
I WISH it was this quiet....
21 - realize that even with the car doors shut and through the inside of the house when it's finally quiet you CAN hear the kids murdering each other in the car
22 - continue to argue with wife until you get outside late for your unplanned and spontaneous free day
23 - get wife in car so she can bark at kids
24 - FINALLY - family about to hit the road!
25 - dad forget something spontaneously unplanned and leave wife and kids in car to murder each other
26 - dad check to see if he can hear family being murdered from inside shut car through house
27 - decide don't want to hear it - take extra long taking one last pee-break enjoying the silence and freedom of a spontaneously unplanned day in the quiet of an empty house
28 - get back to car in bad mood because everyone's fighting
29 - remember forgot to say family prayer before leaving
30 - pull it together just enough to be reverent enough for a family prayer
31 - try to give a meaningful family prayer and ask for the family to get along
32 - become irritated at kids for not being reverent during prayer and try to be reverent while becoming annoyed
33 - immediately go back to barking at kids for not being reverent
34 - mom try to make peace by telling dad to calm down
35 - dad throw fuel on the fire by bringing up a past transgression of mom's when she didn't calm down
36 - mom bring up bad habit of dad of never forgiving or forgetting
37 - kids pay close attention to parents now and be quiet so they can listen to parents verbally sparring
38 - dad disengage from family and stew in silence and decide to have a happy free and spontaneous day while begrudgingly driving family out to do their activity
39 - kids fight now that it's quiet then family finally decide to calm down because family is on the road on way to fun outing
40 - dad realize he forgot something really important at store
41 - mom and dad argue about money and time lost going to store
42 -go to store
43 - dad feel peace while wife and kids locked in car murdering each other over being bored and dad take too long shopping for a bunch of things not even on the list
44 - dad come out happy from shopping
45 - mom glare at dad for taking too long
46 - dad totally be a guy and play stupid that since he got a break from the family while they murdered each other in the car they should all be in a good mood
47 - dad say something insensitive about family refusing to get along and not respecting each other and realize forgot what he went in for
48 - kids fuss so dad threatens to cancel trip
49 - kids beg to go and immediately behave
50 - mom plead with dad to continue hellish free spirited and unplanned and spontaneous trip for the kids because they didn't get out at all this week and they are driving her up a wall
51 - carry out unplanned hellish free spirited and unplanned and spontaneous trip
52 - kids occassionally start to murder each other in the back seat with increasing frequency while dad tries to ignore it
53 - dad completely withdraw into himself
54 - mom act happy looking out the window in an effort to cheer things up
55 - dad turn up radio to drown out kids fighting
56 - mom complain radio's too loud so dad withdraws back into self in silence
57 - finish activity and have a meaninful time in some fashion and try to forget chaos
58 - mom point out if it weren't for dad persevering family wouldn't have gotten out today
59 - mom thank dad for hanging in there
60 - dad realize this time really is precious and important
61 - dad apologize to kids for barking at them and threatening them with physical harm
63 - kids foolishly forgive dad and continue to wander within arms reach of spankings in the future
64 - have family prayer thankful for the day
65 - kids go to bed
66 - realize it wasn't so bad after all
67 - forget all the stupidity and fighting that went on all day
68 - not feel completely de-stressed from day however
69 - in the mood of the evening - talk about doing something else totally free-spirited and unplanned and spontaneous to counter not-yet-unstressedness
70 - wait until family is too stressed out and needs another break
71 - plan another totally free-spirited and unplanned and spontaneous activity
72 - go back to step 1


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This is a radical song for today's youth that I don't know any teacher today would let their students hear this song - very ironic given that this is a group with radical music from the counter-culture-revolution - but - this song, nearly a half century later - is still "counter culture" and should probably be banned.  Just so kids don't get the right for themselves outside the indoctrina....brain washi.........CURRICULUM! Yes, curriculum!...of our fine fine public education. 

Bentuk Sawah Unik Yang Hanya Ada Di Indoneisa

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Sawah tersebut terpusat di satu titik dan menyebar membentuk lingkaran. Sawah yang aneh, pikir saya. Bentuknya lain dari sawah pada umumnya.

Sawah Lingko - namanya atau dulu disebut Kebun Adat, terletak di Kabupaten Manggarai. Kurang lebih hanya 1 jam perjalanan dari tempat kami menginap di pusat kota Ruteng. Dari tempat mobil terparkir, kami harus berjalan sekitar 5 menit ke atas bukit. Jangan lupa untuk mengisi buku tamu dan memberikan donasi seikhlasnya di salah satu rumah di atas.

Adalah suatu keberuntungan bagi kami karena ketika tiba di atas, warna hijau terhampar dengan dilatarbelakangi oleg gunung yang cantik. Terkadang beberapa wisatawan hanya melihat hamparan sawah kosong saja.

Pak Yoakhim pun mulai memberikan penjelasan mengenai Sawah Lingko tersebut. Dia berkata, Suku Manggarai percaya bahwa segala sesuatu memiliki pusat yang mengontrol semuanya dan hal tersebut tercermin pada pembangunan jenis rumah adat Suku Manggarai dan kebun adatnya - yang terpusat dari satu titik.

Upacara Adat harus dilangsungkan pada musim tanam dan musim panen. Upacara dilakukan di titik pusat tersebut dengan mengorbankan babi atau ayam kecil dan darahnya ditanam dalam tanah. Jika seorang tidak melakukannya, maka akan dikenakan sanksi adat dan dalam kurun waktu tertentu dia menjadi orang yang tidak beruntung seperti hasil panen gagal atau tanamannya dimakan oleh hama.

Satu pusat sawah dimiliki oleh satu suku dan anggota keluarganya. Namun karena terjadi pergeseran, saat ini sawah boleh dimiliki oleh siapa saja. Penanaman dilakukan secara serentak atau dengan jarak waktu yang berdekatan. Ini dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi serangan hama berupa burung pipit. Begitu papar beliau secara garis besar.

Wanita 92 Tahun Tembaki Rumah Tetangga Karena Tidak Diberi Ciuman,

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Wanita 92 Tahun Tembaki Rumah Tetangga
Karena Tidak Diberi Ciuman, 

Ada-ada saja! Seorang wanita berumur 92 tahun kesal karena pria yang disukainya menolak untuk mencium dirinya. Saking kesalnya, wanita AS itu menggunakan pistol untuk menembaki rumah pria yang menjadi tetangganya itu. Akibatnya, wanita tua bernama Helen Staudinger itu ditahan polisi.

Kejadian ini terjadi di Florida, Amerika Serikat seperti diberitakan media lokal, Star-Banner dan dilansir, Rabu (23/3/2011).

Helen Staudinger mengatakan pada polisi Marion County bahwa dirinya pergi ke rumah tetangganya, Dwight Bettner untuk berbicara dengan pria berumur 53 tahun itu. Namun menurut Staudinger, pria itu malah menyuruhnya pergi. Menurut Staudinger, dirinya mengatakan pada Bettner bahwa dia tak akan pergi sebelum tetangganya itu memberikan ciuman. Namun Bettner menolak. Keduanya pun kemudian bertengkar.

Setelah itu Staudinger pulang ke rumahnya untuk mengambil sebuah pistol semiotomatis .380. Wanita tua yang telah menjanda itu kemudian melepaskan beberapa tembakan ke rumah Bettner. Salah satu peluru mengenai kamar tidur Bettner hingga menyebabkan pria itu terkena serpihan peluru.

Kepada Star-Banner, Bettner mengatakan bahwa Staudinger telah mengungkapkan ketertarikan pada dirinya sejak dia pindah ke lingkungan tersebut enam bulan lalu. Namun Bettner menolak cinta Staudinger.

"Saya bilang ke dia bahwa saya sedang menjalin hubungan," ujar Bettner. "Dia beranggapan bahwa saya harusnya menjadi miliknya," tutur pria itu.

Dikatakan Bettner, Staudinger juga pernah mencoba mencekik seorang wanita yang dikiranya menjalin hubungan dengan dirinya. Kantor Marion County Sheriff menyatakan, atas perbuatannya, Staudinger dikenai dakwaan penyerangan berat dan penembakan ke rumah berpenghuni.

Buy Your Fela! Tickets Now!!!

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To buy tickets, call these numbers - 07052985326, 08082295406.
Or purchase your tickets online at
You can also get all the info you need about the Broadway play at the website.

According to the UK Govt, Nigeria is the 4th fastest growing economy in the world

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""I appointed the best minds to manage our economy, provided unprecedented funding to Manufacturers, increased Power Generation and stabilized Banks via the Asset Management Company of Nigeria (AMCON) all of which resulted in an 8.29% GDP growth and recognition from trading partners (most notably The U.K.) that Nigeria is now the world's 4th fastest growing economy. Let us continue on this trajectory together." GEJ on FB.

The UK Government on Tuesday in London described  Nigeria as the fourth fastest growing economy in the world. Mr Henry Bellingham, UK Parliamentary Under Secretary of State For Africa and Overseas Territories, said this at a two-day investment forum tagged: “Making Nigeria Your Goal."

“Nigeria has averaged growth of  8.9 per cent which is really stunning.
“Nigeria is the world’s fourth fastest growing economy with solid growth in the next five years and beyond ; this is truly remarkable,’’ he said.
Bellingham said  the Nigerian economy  may outpace that of  South Africa in the next 10 years if the current  reform in the banking sector was extended to the power, oil and gas sectors.
He commended  the Lagos Government for good governance, fiscal responsibility and infrastructure development, saying the state was a model.
Mr Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, Managing Director of Access Bank PLC,  said the event was an opportunity to consolidate on the economic gains that had characterised trans-border economic relations between the two countries.
Aig-Imoukhuede, whose presentation was entitled, “Nigeria: Your Market,’’ cited  some sectors that had contributed to the real growth of the nation’s GDP in the last five years.
These, he said, include  telecommunications  accounting for 7.5 per cent;  construction 6.4 per cent; food and beverages 3 per cent, agriculture 31.9 per cent; cement 1.3 per cent as well as  oil and gas 25 per cent.
Earlier, Mr  Ben Akabueze, Lagos State Commissioner for Economic Planning and Budget, highlighted some investment opportunities in the state.
He cited the areas of  investment to include power, water  supply, real estate and road transport.
Akabueze said the Lekki Free Zone (LFZ), when fully completed, would give priority to manufacturing, warehousing and provision of  logistics for  industries in the zone.
“The LFZ is turning into a new industrial city as well as a multi-functional special economic zone of  Lagos metropolis,’’ he  added.
The second leg of  the event will continue in Manchester under the same theme.
Participants at the forum were drawn from the organised private sector in Nigeria, the Nigeria High Commission and UK businesses. (NAN)

Source: Vanguard Newspaper

DONALD TRUMP BECOMES A BIRTHER!!!!! (Now I'm not crazy!)

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Does this mean we're not a bunch of insane right wing lunatics now?  Somehow the birthers are just crazy.  Meanwhile Tea Partiers are extreme and dangerous.

I guess I'm both.

I was also labeled by the Department of Homeland Security as a threat to our country for domestic terrorism last year along with all the other white veterans who oppose abortion on moral grounds (not the neccessary abortions - just the "for fun" abortions). 

I guess that makes an outlet for homegrown terrorism.

Not sure which part of my radical rhetoric is the most dangerous though.

Hmmm....could it be....don't kill unborn babies?

Sounds kinda dangerous.

What about where I said I think that radicals who kill government officials are the threats to liberty because that means our democracy has stopped working, our republic is in danger and the rule of law has ceased and we need to have faith in our constitution and principles?

I suppose the fact that I'm a trained veteran and have a concealed weapons permit and pack multiple firearms makes that possibly a propaganda lie and I must still be questioned and scanned by TSA just to make sure...

What about....smaller government and liberty and justice for all?

That....does sound kinda radical....kind of....John Adams-esque and we all know what a revolutionary HE was.

Could it be the "I wanna see the birth certificate?"

That just sounds outright hostile. 

Believing in the birth certificate is like believing in Santa Clause.  At some point you grow up and realize there isn't one. 

Anyways, Donald Trump's lawyer says "There's buildings named after the Trumps in New York, the only buildings named after Obama are all in Africa."  HA!  Poor little black man.  His presidency will forever be questioned over this.  His skin-color is not sacred enough to keep the big bad mean rich white man (never mind the Obama's are millionaires) from questioning him. 

We all know what that means!

These articles are a good read:
Way to go Trump.  Ridicule the man!  Ridicule is a good weapon when you don't feel like arguing.  In Obama's case, arguing with him is like trying to stuff a greased pig into a gunny sack.  Good luck!

Beauty of the day: Yvonne Nwosu

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The designer and socialite is a looker...

Comedian, Holy Malam Gets Baby No. 3

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 Father and new born son...

Holy Malam's wife, Ijeoma, gave birth to the couple's third child on Sunday March 27, 2011 in Lagos.
The comedian is said to be beyond ecstatic. He now has two boys and a girl. Congrats to them.

Baby pic thanks to

City People Awards Gets New Date

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Following the fire outbreak that interrupted the highly attended City People Award for Excellence on March 27 20011 @ Balmoral hall Oregun Lagos, a new date has been picked for the reloaded Edition of the 14th award ceremony. It comes up on Sun May 1st 2011 inside Balmoral tent on Sky Pavilion ground Ikeja Lagos. 
To attend call 08055001795, 08033866181, 08076290495. - A statement from their Publicist

The search has begun for MBGN 2011

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To register, you must be 18-25, and minimum of secondary school certificate. Form is N5, 000 and closes May 1st.

To get your forms...continue...

Silverbird Communications, 17A T.O.S Benson Avenue, Sabo Yaba, Lagos.
Silverbird Television, No 1 Rhythm Avenue, Lekki Beach, Lagos . Just 4 u shop at the E-center, 11 Tos Benson Venue, Sabo Yaba, Lagos.
Occassions and Events: 2nd floor, Silverbird Galleria, 133 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos.
Occassions and Events: Silverbird Entertainment Centre, plot 1161 Memorial Drive, Central Business district, FCT, Abuja.
Rhythm 94.7fm, Plot 1161, Memorial Drive beside Shehu Musa YarAdua Centre, Central Business District, Abuja. Rhythm 93.7fm, 10 forces Avenue, Old G.R.A, Port Harcourt.
Silverbird Television and Rhythm FM, 12 Ogbegie Street, Ugbowo, Benin city.
Silverbird Communication,24, Yakubu Gowon way (Adjacent to the National Library), Jos.
Silverbird Television by nnpc mega filling station junction, Awka, Anambra state

For more information please contact

INEC Releases BB Pin and Phone Number

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You can now send INEC officials messages, updating or informing them on the progress of the voting process in your area.  
BB Pin: 2687A1CA. Call: 070702736719. SMS: 08166662222 or 08120006622.

The only way to marry my girl is to quit smoking, but I can't do that!

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My girlfriend says she will only marry me on the condition that I quit smoking. The problem is, I've been smoking for 19 years and I don't know how to quit. But I love her so much and I don't want to loose her, so what do I do? Should I pretend to quit? But for how long can I carry on with the charade, because sincerely, quitting is not an option for now.
Sincerely, Mike.

I think with men, it's either you take them the way they are or you leave them. It's difficult to change a man. Not impossible, just difficult. Over to you guys, Mike needs your advice.

Style Star: AMAA Hosts - Jim Iyke and Nse Ikpe-Etim

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Some of the outfits AMAA hosts, Jim and Nse wore on stage. What do you think?

Fortunately/Unfortunately - "This is Good!"

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A king in Africa had a close friend he grew up with. The friend had a habit of looking at every situation that ever occurred in his life (positive or negative) and remarking, "This is good!" 

One day the king and his friend were out on a hunting expedition. The friend would load and prepare the guns for the king. The friend had apparently done something wrong in preparing one of the guns, for after taking the gun from his friend, the king fired it and his thumb was blown off. 

Examining the situation the friend remarked as usual, "This is good!" To which the king replied, "No, this is NOT good!" and had his friend sent to jail.

About a year later, the king was hunting in an area that he should have known to stay clear of. Cannibals captured him and took them to their village. They tied his hands, stacked some wood, set up a stake and bound him to the stake. As they came near to set fire to the wood, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb. 

Being superstitious, they never ate anyone that was less than whole. So untying the king, they sent him on his way. As he returned home, he was reminded of the event that had taken his thumb and felt remorse for his treatment of his friend. 

He went immediately to the jail to speak with his friend. 

"You were right" he said, "it was good that my thumb was blown off." And he proceeded to tell his friend all that had just happened. "And so I am very sorry for sending you to jail for so long. It was bad for me to do this." 

"No," his friend replied, "this is good!" 

"What do you mean, 'This is good?!'" How could it be good that I sent my friend to jail for a year." 

His friend replied, "If I had not been in jail, I would have been with you."

What did you think of yesterday's Presidental Debate featuring Goodluck Jonathan?

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Did you watch it? If so, what did you think? Will bring the video here shortly for those who didn't.

ACPN alleges plot to release Gbemi Saraki’s fake nude pictures

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Barely 48 hours to the commencement of the 2011 National Assembly elections, the Allied Congress Party of Nigeria, ACPN, has alerted of a fresh plot by Kwara State Peoples Democratic Party, PDP,  to publish a fake nude photograph of the ACPN gubernatorial candidate in the state, Senator Gbemisola Saraki.
The plot which included an anti-female governor procession to the metropolis from the mosque after Jumat on Friday was allegedly being coordinated by the wife of a highly placed top shot of the PDP in the state. - Vanguard

Pat Utomi quits presidential race

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After participating in the NEDG organized presidential debate on Tuesday, Prof. Pat Utomi, the presidential candidate of the Social Democratic Mega Party, on Wednesday withdrew from the presidential race over the inability of opposition parties to adopt a single contestant.

Most Amazing Video: Twin Baby Boys Have A Conversation.

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New Video: Waje feat Muna - So Inspired

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Educating Rita

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Y'all remember her? She's the contestant on the 2009 TV Reality show, Koko Mansion, that became quite popular due to her many grammatical blunders. She's been quiet for a while now but word on the street is that she's working on her own reality show aptly titled, Educating Rita. Cameras will follow her as she gets...'educated'. The show also aims to educate the thousands of 'Ritas' who will be watching at home. Production will start this year.
Rita's hilarious, can't wait for this show to start.

And if you don't understand why Rita needs to be educated, then please check out a video of her speaking on Koko Mansion...after the cut...

Late Chidinma Mbalasa starts the debate. Rita starts at the 1:35 mark.

Ex-Miss Bold & Beautiful, Oluchi Adumekwe Weds

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Oluchi is the 2010 Miss Bold and Beautiful, a pageant for full bodied women.She married her boyfriend of many years, David Okafor, two weeks ago in Lagos. Congrats girl! 
More pics from the wedding when you continue...


Basket Mouth's Double Blast

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In 2010, his name went down in history as the second black comedian to perform comedy shows in indigo2 at the prestigious 02 arena in Greenwich London, a 2,500 capacity hall that was filled to the brim. He held another show that was a success as usual at Birdcage, a nightclub located in the heart of the vibrant city of Manchester and now Bright Okpocha the Nigerian world renowned comedian is out to set new records as he unveils plan to host the 1st Nigerian comedy show at the Hammersmith Apollo, a major entertainment venue located in Hammersmith, London.
Basket Mouth will not be gracing the stage of the Hammersmith Apollo hall that seats about 7,000 people and was the same venue Chris Rock an American comedian, actor and television producer, hosted his last show (Kill the Messenger) all by himself, the show billed for the 27th of May 2011 will also feature comedians like Julius Callahan, a renowned British comedian, Kevin J (UK), Gordons and Nkem Owoh.
Also returning in grand style and with bigger and better concepts is Laffs n Jamz, the monthly comedy show run by Basket Mouth at the Fantasyland in Ikoyi that attracted a lot of fun lovers in and around Lagos as well as featured musicians like Asa, sound sultan, 2 face, P Square, Blackface, Djinee, Face and others and comedians like Teju Babyface, Basorge, Okey Bakassi, I go dye, I go save, Gordons and more.
Laff n Jamz was also known for the uniqueness of its hosts one of which was Basket Mouth himself for close to 30 editions. Gordons later became the 1st comedian to host the show after Olisa Adibua. A couple of the shows were also hosted by Freeze.
Like it was before, Laffs n Jamz will be held every last Saturday of the month starting from June 2011 and this time around it will periodically feature foreign comedians and musicians.
Speaking on this new oars to his career Basket Mouth said ‘I am extremely dogged when it comes to satisfying the audience, but this does not mean it is easy, but you know one’s dreams has a way of pushing you to achieving the best which basically is the secret behind all I do’.
Already top brand are battling to take up the sponsorship of Laff n Jamz.

Bimpe Elite Make Up: Become a Make-up artist

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Don't miss it!

Now That's Just Gross....

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Nothing like sitting in a chair so long your skin actually fuses with the fabric and your insides (intestines) have become your outsides....

This happens in nature but I don't think this is as gross....

Voters can witness vote counting – INEC, Police

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INEC Chairman and IG of Police say voters who are interested in witnessing the collation of votes at polling centres during the general elections are free to do so as long as you do it peacefully. Anyone caught behaving unruly at any polling centre will be arrested and prosecuted. And please go with your camera phones!

Chris Brown's album is No.1

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Chris Brown sold 273k copies of F.A.M.E in its first week, earning him his first No.1 album. Jennifer Hudson came in at No.2 selling 167k copies of 'I Remember Me'.

Comedian Ali Baba addresses an old issue about ex-wife, Patricia Leon

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The Ace comedian wrote this on his FB page yesterday.

'My Point IS...' by Ali Baba
''First things first, i know some of u will say this is uncalled for. Some will even say, we already know. But for those who know, its important u also know that so many don't know. So please if u have the time, read it. Its really not a piece i should be writing, but in the face of thousands of lies being told in the name of justifying their false convictions, some people just believe the wrong things and pass on same as truth. Which is then circulated. And when u keep quiet, its often taken to mean the truth.

Every so often I am forced to explain myself or rebut some issues that bother on my integrity and dignity. I have worked hard for my FAME and with God, I still manage to remain relevant. Until now, or to be sincere, recently, people did not know that Comedians earned as much as they did. Mohammed DANJUMA, YIBO KOKO, TeeA, Basorge Tariah Jnr and a whole lot of the first generation comics, tried to keep our new found goldmine under the radar. Not until the second generation came. And started the laau laau spending and blew our covers. Till now I still try to advise my younger colleagues on the gains of prudence.

This explained why, initially people thought comedians were paid peanuts. But clients who had paid for our services, were quick to correct you anytime u tried to cheapen our services. Some clients call me and offer some amount and are shocked when I refer them to younger collected who charge within their budget. But to be fair, those who use our services these days know TALK IS NOT CHEAP!

Anyway, if you know me by now, u would already have guessed that this piece is not going to be about what we charge per se. But I had to mention it to give u a background to what the write up is about.

Back in the mid 90s, I earned my first million as a comedian, at that time, as a young graduate, u only can run into such wealth through the corridors of 419. But I got mine, through the help of Satzenbrau. So by the end of the 90s I was coasting home with between 100 and 200k per show. I already was living in a 5 bedroom duplex, that used to be Regina Askia's residence, in Ilupeju.

Then I moved to Lekki phase 1, in 99. In 2000, I was introduced to the presidency and I moved into the 1million per show bracket. No be GOD?

I married Patricia Leon about that time. She was at the time working in Multichoice and lived in a 2 Studio apartment on Opebi, behind Niteshift. Without being specific with figures, let's just say her monthly take home was below 100k monthly. Now this was at the time when I had started charging between 500k and 800k (depending on negotiating skills) Don't also forget that besides Mohammed DANJUMA and maybe 2 others, I was the first call for events. I WAS BUSY.

I was therefore able to give my wife, without breaking a sweat, a monthly salary the same with what she got as a staff of Multichoice. She cashed her cheques at the UBA on Aboyade Cole. That was besides other bills at home and her wardrobe. THAT IS WHAT A HUSBAND IS SUPPOSED TO DO. And I did it well. I must add that even after we parted ways, I still provided for her... Up till a point. Now that point was when I read an interview that painted me like a gigolo. And I stopped being a nice guy.

I know some of you are going, "who cares whether you took care of her or not?", apparently some people do. Those who undermine my hard work and prefer to believe I lived off Patricia Leon. Usually when I try to set the records straight, friends will say, let them say what they want to say. Sadly, the lies are taking on true colours. Some now say it was Pat that made me. You are better not give God's glory to no man. Or else you will answer for it.
If I may ask, if Ay, TeeA, Baskethmouth, Julius, Basorge and Gbenga had married SOCIALITES would they have been considered as living off their wives? Am very sure if any of them had married a banker, lawyer, business woman or Socialite, none of the affluence they exhibit now would have been from their hard work. It would have been because they married their spouses.

As much as I agree that it's nobody's business how I live my life, I also believ that when that life I am living is now given a reputation of someone who lives off women, I also owe myself the right to state it clearly that it is not true.
Don't go thinking Pat and I are not friends. Far from it. This piece is not about making her look bad or me looking good, but it is to put it on record that I stated the facts and in these days of FOI law, to have it documented, because, anyone who writes anything to discredit my hard earned reputation and professional integrity wld pay for painting me in bad light.

But like I was told by one of my big brosses, some spread the false tales because it justifies their present states. "I heard u and Alibaba graduated the same year" and am sure u can predict the next line... "Yes o! The guy don hammer. Na Patricia Leon money he dey spend!" That way its easy to discount my hustles and imply that if it were not for Pat, he and I wld have still been on the same level. Guess what? Pat is still alive, go and let her spend on you too.

This was the point I tried to make in my note THE HILARY FACTOR. And my point then and now, was and is, that when Obama decided not to pick Hilary Clinton as VP, I knew why. People wld have said he rode on her wings to win. He didn't pick her and he won. In my case, there was nothing wrong in riding on my wife's wings or financial edge to succeed. If there was. There wasn't. And in truth, my marrying her cost me my Multichoice account. Because I stopped doing events for them once we were married. U can clear that with JSP Communications.

After saying all these, my point is... Give GOD credit when he deserves it. Or else u would be bearing false witness against your neighbour and offending GOD. Plus the small fact that u also are robbing me of some applause.

That's my point... Now let the arrows fly!''
...Ali Baba 

Pay-As-You-Go Church

posted by sooyup

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Divine wealth - N300, 000. Favour - N75, 000. Breaking curses - N50, 000. Tithe - 20% of income.
Wanna check it out? lol

Comedian Seyi Law weds Ebere Cham

posted by sooyup

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The wedding took place on Sunday March 27th Bannilux events place, Sabo, Yaba. Continue to see more photos...


To see more pictures from the wedding, go to

Style Star: Chioma Akpotha and Rita Dominic at AMA Awards

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This is what the movie stars wore to the AMA Awards on Sunday.

Guess who?

posted by sooyup

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These siblings grew up to be a force to reckon with in the media/entertainment industry in Nigeria.
Who are they? This should be easy...:-)

D'Banj to appear on BET

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The Kokomaster is set to appear on BET Presents - D'Banj - Welcome to America.
The interview will air on April 2, 2011 at 7:30pm GMT. Watch out for it!

Troops to go on the Streets Before Elections Commence

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The National Council of State yesterday approved the deployment of troops across the country 48 hours before elections to avert violence, Hafiz Ringim, the Inspector General of the Police has said. Mr. Ringim said at a briefing at the Presidential Villa after a meeting of security heads that the deployment of the military, regular and mobile police officers and other security agents is expected to deflect any political, religious and ethnic inspired violence during the polls, which is expected to begin on Saturday. - 234next

Photos from the 'What About Us?' Presidential Debate

posted by sooyup

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On stage from left - Chimamanda Adichie, Nuhu Ribadu, Dele Momodu and Shekarau
More pics when you continue...


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