Pretty sweet flyover:
The altitude on this was 16 feet over the scoreboard and at 400 knots with them at 176 feet AGL when they were supposed to be at 1,000 over the population and doing no more than 300 knots.
At any rate, the Flight Leader was getting ready to leave the Air Force, got disciplined and fined 2 months pay ($6k - I make more than a USAF fighter pilot Major) but he called bull puckey on the USAF's insistence that rules are always followed.
Yeahhhhhh I wasn't USAF - I was USN and I'll call the same on that all depends on who and what you know and what's going on. Just like the XO of the Enterprise with his Risque Videos to the crew - no big deal made until a bunch of homo crybabies in the civilian world got their feelings hurt over something that has nothing to do with them and made a stink about it and got the Navy to bend its knees to their whim and relieve him. So also was the flyby no biggie until it got all over the internet - not like the FAA didn't know their altitude to begin with and couldn't have called it in if it was such a concern.
Military life is dangerous - it's about managing risk - but - some things will get you this guy if you haven't seen it - day before the airshow and his retirement and died in front of his wife and kids and family:
posted by sooyup on aviation, military