Muslimes in Libya are Racist Against Obama!

posted by sooyup on

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In the US you can make a film about the assassination of George W. Bush or burn an effigy of him because he's white and the media hated him and nobody bats an eyelash.  But hang an effigy of Obama - because he's black - and it's automatically a hate crime - anyone remember all this?  Anyways, now the Muslims (Arabs?  People? Humans? Libyans?) in Libya are showing their true colors and are burning an effigy of Obama in protest against his lobbing missiles into Libya in an attempt to bring about a regime change and install democracy. 

I really think it's time we stop this war criminal president in his illegal war for oil however.

I'm waiting for the FBI to show up on the Muslims (Arabs? People? Humans? Libyans?) doorsteps and interrogating them about their commitment to affirmative action and diversity with all this. 

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