Another "Just Plug the Damn Hole" Moment of Leadership

posted by sooyup on ,

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Obama - the Freshman Senator from Ohio - has shown himself again and again to be an inept leader.

Bigger is not neccessarily better.  Just because you have the largest bill in American history (Obamacare) get passed on the floor of the US Congress (which nobody has read) - doesn't mean you were successful. 

Just because it's big doesn't mean it's doing the job...

Then with the BP oil spill - Obama's leadership provided the insightful leadership maxim while the crews were struggling with crushing pressure at the bottom of the ocean floor - "Just plug the damn hole!"

Anyways - now we can compare Obama's "strategy" in Libya - to bring about regime change - believing that by lobbing a few cruise missile into Libya will bring about democracy - to "Just Plug The Damn Hole!".

Look at how long the US has been in Iraq.  Heck - look how long we've been in Japan!  Japan came about much faster though (no terrorism there and stupid insurgents) their constitution was written (more overseen and guided) by an American (General MacArthur) - one of the greatest Americans to live - these things take time!

So now he thinks that after all of George Bush's stupidity for the "quagmire" in Iraq - which was a war-crime-illegal-war-for-oil - launching a few missiles was all that it would take to instill democracy in Libya? 

I think, personally, Obama and Khadaffi were....boyhood friends who shared some intimate moments - lovers - soul mates across the miles - growing up as Muslim Marxist Revolutionaries - or Khadaffi has some compromising photos of Obama and all this talk by Khadaffi saying "Obama's my friend...".......and Obama's just trying to shut him up....I think this is much smaller and bigger than we think it is.....

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