Okay - so I live in Oregon. Guess what's in Oregon?
Well...there's Oregon itself...and its stupid communist voting block which breeds here in Portland....
Um, trees.
Oh, um, trees!
Fresh salmon.
Fresh seafood.
And - my father in law is a computer geek ( a very smart computer geek) who works at - GUESS WHERE? INTEL!
So - today Intel had an open house and I got to see inside - see a clean room - a fab plant (I don't know all the technical names for it - was pretty focused on the crowds and my kids and the massive number of Asians and East Indians (I only saw one black person there and he was security and looked like he could kick anyone's ass) and the cubicles and such....it was pretty cool.
I realized why I struggle so damned hard being a former engineer and physics major who decides to go into the social sciences.

So, even though I don't work at Intel - the spirit - the feel - the energy - the ESSENCE - of the buildings was one of progress - innovation - development - improvement - progress - organization - sense - order - ingenuity - it was AMAZING!
Perhaps the most amazing thing I saw was THE PROTOTYPE of a 3-D TV.......HOLY BLEEP! HOLY FRICKING COW Y'ALL!
You know what you see in the movies about 3D TV without the glasses? I saw one today at Intel!
The man who was so excited to show me the prototype, Wang Yuen (I'm guessing he's from New Jersey originally with a name like that)was VERY excited! It was soooo refreshing to be around people who loved what they were doing and excited about the new ideas and improvements. Beyond that - no joke - move your head around in front of the screen and you could see behind the objects that were being shown on the screen! And it was in High Definition!!!!!

Right now where I work - come up with a new idea and my boss says "you're acting like we're going national...." - or "crap...now what do we have to do?" and hear stupid excuses like....lets just say I swear some of the people who work for our company have IQ's low enough to live where I work rather than working there (I manage developmentally disabled group homes).
Anyways - it was AMAZING to see the 3D Television - WOW - all that nonsense with the glasses? Forget it. You got ripped off. Never mind it costs like $12,000 for one - at least according to Wang.
So - photography wasn't allowed at Intel. So - to take you on a tour of Intel - I'm turning you over to Conan O'Brien for his tour of Intel. (I could have done without the meercats reproducing at one point in it but whatever).
Either way though - it was pretty cool.