Dating ONLY older women: Usher Raymond in focus.

posted by sooyup

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I met this 33year old guy some days ago who is getting married to a lady six years older than him. The age difference kinda got me wondering. If this lady were rich, people would naturally be suspicious, because it's not the norm in this part of the world for a man to marry a woman older than him. But she's not rich. He says it's love. I believe him.
"Usher would be so proud" I said jokingly to the guy. His response was something like "Usher is sick. His penchant for older women is disturbing. This is my first older woman.".
Hmmmm...I see! :-)

Someone told me that Usher's preference for older women has something to do with his upbringing...vis-a-vis his relationship with his mum. He's looking for his mum in every woman. The older the woman, the more motherly care he would get from her.

Check out Usher's relationship history...

Usher with ex Chilli 38

Usher with ex Naomi Campbell 39

Usher and soon to be ex-wife Tameka Foster 39

Usher with current girlfriend Grace Miguel (married) - 42

Is there anything wrong with a guy who likes to date ONLY older women? Could it be traced to his upbringing? Is there any cause for alarm? Let's know what you think.

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