Can we just fast forward?

posted by sooyup on ,

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Okay, so supposedly Lockheed suffered a cyber "hack attack" - unspecified.  But this is going to be used to make the case that the internet needs to be regulated. By Obama.  Personally.  So he can download the boobie-scans from TSA into his personal files.....and any pictures you might have of your wife floating around the net....or husband.....

So....hide your kids...hide your wife....hide your husbands CUZ WE RAPIN EVERYBODY UP IN HERE!

Anyways, can we just fast forward?  Everyone just get the damn chip in our hands, whip out the Bamster's (Obama's) birth certificate which is probably #666 or something like that, watch a Lady Gaga concert where she creates life and then do jumping jacks with big-brother on the telescreen (or antoine dodson, might be more fun that doing them with big brother since we're into compulsory mandatory fitness) and get it over with?  Please?  Do we HAVE to have all the drama? (I'm sure Lady Gaga would love the here's some for you.....let us all worship the beast - and Big Brother....."Big!...big!....big!....big!...big!" )  Thank you.  NOW we can all be raptured (after you watch the video of Lady Gaga - provided for your entertainment with some advertizing for her pocketbook!)

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