And the thunder rolls.....

posted by sooyup on

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Just had a MASSIVE lightning strike right here right now that shook EVERYTHING here.  I about wet my pants.  Scary how my mind goes back to my military training trying to determine if things are okay or not.  I *HATE* lightening because its fairly random.  Mortars and such usually "track" meaning I can figure out where they are coming from and how long until they get here or whatnot.   I prayed things were okay but then the screaming started from down the hall from both kids.  That was less than a couple hundred feet away though I saw no flashes. 

Meanwhile I could only think of just HOW powerful God is and that "you aint see nothing yet" in terms of his power" and I don't want to get on his bad side.  Anyways, the worst one I remember hit the street in front of my house and our neighhbor's tree across the street.  One zapped the streeet and with that 1970's shag carpet, it all stood up so it looked freshly vacumed, and all the magnetic cupboards flew open, the dog yelped and took off and.....I was on the bar stool in the kitchen going "Wth?"

I hate that electric feeling in the air that comes and the electromagnetic release that comes when the lightening strikes nearby.

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