The Other Day.....I Saw A Bear.....

posted by sooyup on

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My wife asked me yesterday to make a wooden duck for a baby present for a baby shower......up for the challenge, I went home and began whipping one out.

However, the usual debate ensued where it was not decided yet what kind of duck it would be.....and whether it would be cute enough or how to make it cute!

I finally got a pattern drawn freehand she liked and got it cut out when she came racing in and asked that if it wasn't too much of a pain if it was too late to make a bear instead.


She explained how she just found out that it was a "bear themed" baby shower (???) (I'm not up on baby showers, and I don't know a guy that would hold any such type party, let alone to declare a theme for people to abide by) and that if it was possible if I could make a bear instead?  PLEEEEAAAAASE?   Okay, she didn't say please, but I saw it in her eyes.

Not wanting my wife to feel like the odd-duck out (har har) she supplied a bear template and just to show I could do it, I then set about making a bear instead.

For just whipping it out and no real plans or anything, it came out pretty cute.  She still has to tie a ribbon to it for it to be pulled by.  I used a woodburner to do the face and fur on its tail and paws, but here it is. But I did find that a spray on lacquer (Lacquer - not liquor) causes wood pores to expand on some things like the little wheels I cut with a circular cutter drill bit after I sanded them very smooth and got them all prettified, but anyways. Here's my work just playing around.  It looks better in person than it does in the pictures though...

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