End of the Czars......End of American Aristocracy.....

posted by sooyup on ,

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So....Republicans are pulling the plug on the Czars and their funding.  BOUT DAMNED TIME!  At least they aren't wasting time.  I was pretty impressed with the commentary by the representative who wrote the legislation jerking the funding.  He stated that the czars are running a "shadow government" - niiiice.  See - you need cliche's in order to win.  Something to numb the minds of the masses and distort truth.  Some line of tripe that people will eat up but think sounds good.....like....ohhhhhh lets see...um "YES WE CAN!"   Oh wait....I think I know another one....um....oh wait!  "Hope and change!"

However, "shadow government" is exactly what the czars are.  Unelected, un-vetted, unapproved but with massive authority.......this is nothing like what Obama or even Pelosi promised us in terms of transparency........


Meanwhile the governor of Wisconsin has sent the state troopers after the Dem senators who've left the capitol to drag them back so they can hold a vote on the pensions and funds of the public employees.  If I understand correctly, only the dem leader needs to be present but they don't actually have to vote.

Meanwhile....with all the protests going on in Wisconsin - do we honestly expect people to just willingly sacrifice their pensions?  Or be honest about it?


F*CK!  Obama's out here in Portland and they are debating whether he will take a motorcade or fly into Hillsboro from downtown Portland.  I hope he flies cuz I got to run around and don't feel like  being held up by police and all the security for his idiotic pathetic ass driving around.

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