Republicans slash $61B spending cuts!!!!

posted by sooyup on ,

No comments's that grab you for starters?   Would I be correct in assuming that this is the largest budget cut also in American history?

Now - word to the uninitiated and uninformed......the way things read in here - liberalism - communism  socialism - is couched in language designed to raise emotion.  They play on words to accomplish their nefarious purposes.

For example - where they are cutting spending to clean up the Chesapeake bay and will allow more pollution - sounds horrible!  Those evil republicans!  But I also know that the levels of pollution are going to be something like a $5m project to reduce the nitrogen levels from 50 parts per million to 49 parts per million in the water - and is really a waste of money and has no impact and is a liberal funded boondoggle.   So - please don't fret and don't fear!    It's all designed by the libs to make you mad and get you to race after something without thinking.  Not only that - it's not like the water around here isn't dirty and won't wait another day anyways - our nation won't wait another day if we don't fix's not like the river in Chicago is catching on fire because its so polluted like it did way back THAT was nasty.

Way to go Republicans.  Maybe we can cut the funding for Blackie-O's massive support staff as well?

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