Taking a poor kenyan kid's crutches - LOL!!!!!


posted by sooyup on ,

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So in an effort to save money in congress....a Republican congessman has proposed cutting the funding for Obama's teleprompter.

LOL.  How is he going to lead?  How will he speak?  Yes - Representative Womack, he is a gifted speaker.  I've never seen anyone be able to fit in so many "Dayyeeee.....duh......derrrrr.....duhhhhh.....uhhhhh"'s into a short timespan as that man. 

Maybe Obama's speaking a foreign language.  Maybe he's an alien.  And the "Duhhh.....dayyyy.....derrrrr" is supposed to hypnotize us.

It's to seduce you into letting him probe your backside.....I think he is already anyways.  He's trying to pull whatever's left out of our hind ends monetarily.


Still - taking the poor kids crutches....I love it.

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