Thoughts on UFO's (and....research....yeah....research - that's what we'll call it.)


posted by sooyup on ,

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Okay - so a civilization of highly advanced and peaceful beings develops the technology that allows them to cross multiple universes and galaxies in an instant and cross some 200 quadrillion light years to fly all the way to earth - just so they can:
Mess up the wheat in some guys field with a crop circle....
Look up my bung-hole...
Erase my memory of them looking up my bung-hole...
And get away without being photographed very well....
While evading our most advanced military equipment........

Sounds more like a college prank than an advanced civilization if you ask me. 

Of course we all know just how advanced college students are - maybe there is something to it after all.  I mean - I *CAN* see some things crossing 200 quadrillion light years to just check out my rear - I mean - I am kinda hot.  Man - now that I think about it - even Elvis Presley didn't have that kind of fan loyalty or dedication.......unless he's one of them anyways.

Hm.   Guess that makes me bigger than Elvis.

Well - guess I'll set aside my insecure feelings about being anally probed and let my self esteem swell out a bit.  If anyone gives me crap about it - I'll tell them "HEY! You're just jealous nobody wants to look up YOUR rear end and is willing to cross the entire universe to do it - if anything I think you got the opposite're just jealous."


I feel better.   A lot better. 

I think I'm just going to go sit on an ice pack now and feel smug.

Maybe I can put  together a science project like that for my doctoral degree someday.......yeah - interstellar date rape.....I don't think so.....

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