Now that we know I'm a degenerate, not because I listened to the degenerate music of my generation, but I got left-over, fermented, outdated deneracy of the 1960's to grow up on - late night for some reason has me reminiscing about a few things I used to listen to and I've decided to let my degeneratedness hang out a bit.
I always liked groups that focused on the vocals and harmony....just because it's....different....yeah....different! Here's one.....
This I enjoy for the poetic imagery......and today was a good Tuesday Afternoon. My wonderful staff let me go and prep for my interview for my doctoral program this friday - it was a nice day....Good Tuesday afternoon!
And OOPS - here's a bit of degeneracy from my era. CAREFUL! It will turn you into a twit or a nitwit - take your pick. If you listen to it too much - you might become a hooligan.
Lastly - this one is HORRIBLE - it's about SLEEPING with PEOPLE you aren't married to! (Actually in my religion, that's next to murder because rather than playing around with when a life ends, you're playing with the powers that make you like God and in the ability to create life and are playing with how life begins - but - yeah! On that note! Here we go! NOW lets listen to it! If it makes you feel better, it's also part of my religion to not really....your affairs are yours and between you and God job's just to be a nice guy and blog) I'm wondering if they used some of the props for the above-song for the one below.....ahhhh the 80's were good.
For watching, here's a Carl's Junior Coupon! I got it from here: I hadn't thought of it, I'm not into faking coupons but I do have a really freaking sweet printer....of course the first thing I did with my printer was see how well it could counterfeit does a good job! But you'll have to do that yourself....I'm not going to help you. Here's your coupon.....
posted by sooyup on humor, music