posted by sooyup on ,

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400 death threats against pastor Terry Jones for burning a koran.  Is THAT all?  I mean - um - total number of muslims in the world, 2 billion.  Terry Jones burned THE ONE Koran - and only 400 death threats?

Okay - something's going on here.

First, maybe it was a decoy Koran and only 400 people were foolish enough to fall for it to threaten him.  Terry Jones is not actually a pastor but is a comedian and a magician who is going to magically re-appear *THE*REAL Koran in a few days.

Or , perhaps Muslims, like the Amish, don't actually use technology, and only the apostates were able to threaten him using the technology they illegally-against-their-religion possess.

And then, we might be able to conclude that only apostate Muslims who own technology are violent.  And that the sum total of muslim extremists is 400 in the entire world.

If we were run the stats, the man who burned a Koran is worth 2.4 million dollars to kill - when yet you've got nations (like ours) who can invade, sack and topple your country and islamofacist-way-of-life and allow people to have democracy and freedom to think for themselves for the first time since the Dark Ages.....or just lob a few hundred missiles into your country for fun and get away with it with no rhyme or reason to it, whereas if you did that to a western country that'd be an act of WAR....where's the money going to stop that?  I mean - a simple Koran Factory or even a copy-machine could easily replace the one that got burned.  I mean, if this is about a Koran Shortage....

I'm thinking that maybe we really do misunderstand them.  They really are peaceful.  Just someone didn't get their Koran for Sunday School cuz Pastor Jones burned it - but it wasn't a real Koran because he wouldn't actually do that - and only 400 muslims in the whole world are stupid enough to own the technology to make the threats against him - and we know who they are by their phone bills because we used caller ID and can find them.....this was ALL a huge misunderstanding.


(Yes I know it's 300 - not 400 - I'm not a dimwit...on this anyways). 

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