Citizens Unite!

posted by sooyup on ,

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Community Activism and free speech spreads in Afghanistan over the Koran Burning in a Florida at a small congregational church of 50 (or however many).  Protests and burnings and intimidation continue!

*The Taliban said in a statement emailed to media outlets that the U.S. and other Western countries have wrongly excused the burning a Koran by the pastor of a Florida church on March 20 as freedom of speech and that Afghans "cannot accept this un-Islamic act."*  This sounds as well planned out as the Kenyan-in-chief's not-war of lobbing Traumahawks into Libya to promote democracy in drive-by-diplomacy.

Sorry Tally-Ban - we've been doing un-Islamic acts for longer than it took for your country to get its ass toppled in a few days by my country - going on 237 years now. 

  Ohhhh yeah - burn more tires in Kadar or wherever - that's gonna get me in Spokane to say "wow....a tire set on fire some 12,000 miles away....hmmm, maybe I should re-think my life."

I think when they are done they should protest, burn things and kill people over bacon being put on Western Bacon Cheeseburgers at Carl's Junior in the US.  Clearly a much bigger conspiracy. It's been going on much longer too.  Since they are so involved in what's going on in a small church in Florida - now it's time to tackle the big stuff!  Perhaps they can demand a Muslim-Menu and insist Sharia Law be used to enforce it.

To show the Afghanis I'm on their side and assuage any anger at my not being on their side or demanding a stop to it all however because *I HEAR YOU! ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE* - I'm willing to make some concessions and negotiate.  You can stone our leader and I am willing to hand him over to you complete with plans on how to stone him and some vulnerable spots.  I've provided plans here and a photo of when he's particularly vulnerable as a good-faith-gesture and when you're most likely to not get a pissed-off reaction from Americans about it and be safe doing it.  I can't guarantee safety but can assure you American Media Fallout WILL BE  POSITIVE if you do it when shown above. So, here you go!

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