Computers Can Do That? (Homer Simpson)

posted by sooyup on ,

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We all know computers can do whatever a writer needs them to do. Get to a spot where you're stuck in the story? Our hero only needs to whip out the magic box that can do anything - and - PRESTO! Problem solved. Although some of these shows aren't that bad - this collection makes them all sound pretty...poser-ish as they stand there and try to sound intelligent giving all these "high tech commands" to the person in front of the box who doesn't even know what their box does if it wasn't for the hero telling them what to do.

Notice we can't ever have Our Hero just work the thing themselves. No. That wouldn't do. Gotta have them tell the computer geek what to do.

I suppose if they were really intelligent they'd have solved it already and there wouldn't be a scene showing MacGyver or whoever even telling them what to do.

Instead - the thought police would bust down the door the moment the perp even thought of it and we'd just see a scene of a guy sitting at home nuking a burrito and getting arrested and the whole story would last about 30 seconds if we're lucky.....anyways - here ya go.

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