Former Minister of Information and Communications, Prof. Dora Akunyili, on Thursday said her husband, Dr. Chike Akunyili, forced her to quit the Peoples Democratic Party. Akunyili, who left the PDP last December to contest the Anambra Central Senatorial seat on the platform of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), said her husband could no longer accept the violent nature of the PDP in Anambra State.
She recalled how she called a stakeholders’ meeting of the PDP in Awka in 2010 after the party lost the governorship election, saying developments at the meeting shocked her husband, who gave a choice between her marriage and the PDP. She said some PDP members organised hoodlums, who released teargas cannisters at the meeting venue and sent everyone scampering to safety.
“There and then, my husband asked me to choose between my marriage to him and attending PDP meetings,” she said. Akunyili said in contrast with the situation in the PDP in Anambra State, APGA was fostering peace and unity, fostered by the Anambra State Governor, Mr. Peter Obi" - Punch
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