Every time Democrats are in trouble - they play the "victim card" - its how you know they are in trouble.
The "not-their-plan" will:
Kill grandma
Kill grandpa
Kill minorities
Kill children
Kill uncle bill
Anyways - first lets recap Obama's compassionate response on healthcare here:
So.....now - the Republican fiscal plan will "kill 70,000 children" - according to the Obama Administration. We all know that's the goal, right? Given that abortion kills ~1 million babies annually and we're PAYING FOR IT - I don't know that 70,000 is all that big a deal, right? What country are they in? That was malaria - right? Not our country? Okay.....got it....
First, given their stance on abortion and grandma - and since Obamacare is aimed at pills instead of cures and killing our country anyways - and all those children would "die" anyways because there won't BE ANY programs if we keep this up.....
Maybe we should just purchase 70,000 pain pills? What say Mr. Bamster?
posted by sooyup on news, obamacare