Sensitivity to Pedophilia.....

posted by sooyup on

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After researching this briefly, I'm a bit troubled.  A group called B4U Act apparently held a conference, not the first one it ever had I'm sure, made the news in its calls for sensitivity towards pedophilia - or sexual attraction to children - and there you have it.

A review of their website shows that they are not a credible source of info on sexual offenses - it portrays the pedophiles as victims and that their victim status is to blame for their sexual offenses.  Many issues/claims are taken out of context including citing research that's nearly a quarter of a century old and is incorrect to begin with, but is too old to be relevant anyways because now its false even if it wasn't then.  Others are just outright lies from sex-offenders typical of the psychopathy and culture of victim-hood in rehabilitation for convicted sex offenders.

Speakers also argued that people who are sexually attracted to children should have input into the decision about how pedophilia is defined in the DSM, which they said is supposed to be a guide to promote “mental health vs. social control.”

This right here smacks of the psychology of a sexual offender.  

I don't know the entire context of the statements, but the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders) is a diagnostic tool.  It doesn't make any extensive recommendations as to treatment.  Further, this tool is for a clinician, it has nothing to do with social control. 
This is typical of sexual offenses where an individual projects onto others the responsibility for their behaviors.  Isolation and ridicule are factors in sexual offenses, but we all deal with ridicule and isolation in our personal lives and this doesn't make us go slit our wrists or be sexually attracted to children.
On the flip side, I have personally seen sex-offenders turn their lives around and progress as human beings and leave the past behind and form healthy relationships.  But sensitivity to the issues, failing to be honest about the reality of the issue, and citing research out of context isn't valid/reliable/integrity/progress on the issue, nor is it a viable solution to the issue.

I call bogus on this group - bogus and dangerous.

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