The Tea Party is preventing the passage of Obama's plan to destroy America with more fiscal irresponsibility.
Here's the stupid part - not that we're surprised - but they are blaming the Tea Party for it being held up.
The Tea Party is not compromising.
It isn't anyone else who's not compromising.
It is the Tea Party.
Everyone else in Congress is compromising....except these guys....right?
The ones demanding the Tea Party compromise have compromised enough and now they refuse to compromise on compromising and demand the others to compromise more than them and they aren't going to compromise on that point.
Ever heard the saying "it takes two to tango"?
Like my kids fighting. It takes two....or three...or three hundred plus.Why don't the democrats cave to the Tea Party?
Here's the real kicker - they are saying the GOP is putting the desires of 30 tea party members over 300 million Americans will for this to pass.
First, lets look at how many Americans didn't want Obamascare but the Democrats overrode the will of the American people on that one - thank you Bart Stupack for selling your soul to get it passed I hope you repent.
But more than that - 300 million Americans do not unanimously want this.
Not even 300 million Americans know what's going on.
Over half those are like under 18 and how many more can't even talk yet....or anymore cuz they are so old.
America's never been that unanimous on anything.
Why am I hammering that though? Because it's typical of various mental disorders possessed by Obama - and little children on the playground who don't get their way with their parents "Everybody's doing it!"
posted by sooyup on finances, news, Politics