The Saudis are going to allow women to vote.
But not drive.
I wonder if "letting women drive" is on the ballot for the next election and voting session....
Here you can see a Saudi woman car saleswoman selling a car to another woman for her husband to drive explaining how the "little camels and genies on the flying carpets under the hood" power the car and it runs on a mixture of magic sand and wishes and only costs you everything. I did take a course on Islam in my undergraduate studies. I honestly believe, and I'm not the type to leap to these conclusions, that I got marked down because I'm LDS by the Muslim Cleric teaching my class. There's a belief at the core of the LDS theology regarding the birthright involving Esau and Jacob and Ham and Egyptus that the Muslims find kind of offensive - not that they don't find everything else offensive when you have a book that decrees the death of the unbeliever and then people saying "That's not what it says!" When I asked him why I got a "B" he said "Maybe next time you'll do better." That was all I got. Whatever. Thankfully, not all Muslims are douchebags.

On the flip side, having your women be able to drive can be useful if you go into all out war...as the Iranians are well aware of. Not that you want to go to war. If you haven't been, trust me you don't want to. It's not glorious, its not glamorous, it is hell on earth to a degree you don't want to ever experience again...unless you're General Patton where you wake up every day praying for war. But I digress.
On the thoughts of women fighting and their influence in the middle east, there is a saying among the Israelis: "There will never be peace in the middle east until Palestinian mothers care more about the lives of their children than they do the deaths of the Jews."
Mothers. Women. I hope someday the Middle Easterners realize what a resource they've oppressed for centuries and capitalize on their potential and their husbands stop being douchebags and they someday are truly free. Free to be an equal counterpart to a man. I don't think I could be married to someone I considered less than me...what type of honor is that? Sounds like marriage would be a pain in the ass and degrading more to the man if that's the way they view women. Just a thought.
And for all you from Saudi Arabia who hit on my blog who say I do not understand your way of life - I say - neither do you understand ours.