Good luck with that since:
- Your time off our coasts would be extremely limited without replenishment.
- You'd have to refuel and replenish in Venezuela or at any other of your allies nowhere near here.
- Otherwise you'd need underway replenishment which you have no skill at just to maintain station (during which time you make a great target and are even easier to follow since you have no submarines capable of extended blue-water ops)
- You don't have deep-water capability or experience - something the US navy excells at from hunting the Soviets for a half century and the Nazis and Japs well before that.
- You don't even have a sizable navy that can defend its own battle group in a "blue water op."
- You don't have air cover nor can you get it - something the US Navy is the world leader at
- Our air cover extends well out to sea just from the USAF and ANG units.
- Technologically you're several decades behind the US Navy (Skills wise you're nearly a century behind the US Navy)
- You'd be targets for our fast attack subs to just toy with and hone their sonar skills while they finish their sound signatures of your propulsion units within the first 15 minutes of you showing up so we can tell who you are just by the sound of your screws and our "intelligence sources" have already told us what's on your ships so we know exactly what you're capable of and doing just by the sound of your propellers swishing through the water.
- Our E2's and EA6's will have you countered with electronic and information warfare every single time you even go to say something on your radios.
- Our intelligence ships and crypto techs will be listening on the airwaves as well and be just taking apart everything you transmit as soon as you transmit it.
- And our subs will be tracking you well before you get here and follow you all the way here right out of your own ports from the time you cast off your first lines and tag team you all the way here.
- And a bunch of other impossibilities you'd have to overcome.
- Yah - not going to happen.

Actually, I hope they do come over here just for fun.
The only thing Iran has going for it is I think Obama's on their side and he might order us to "understand" the Iranians and hold fire and make sure the first couple missiles they lob into the US are not just weapons malfunctions.
This is one of those tit-for-tat things that are so childish in the realm of international politics.

Well - Iran - here's some peace right back at ya......oh, and good luck with all that. I bet you don't even show up, and if you'll be
Sincerely - A US Navy Vet.