I had NOOOOO IDEA they were doing this!!!! That's not mine!

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According to the US Military, they routinely find porn in militant extremists' hideouts after a raid.  There was apparently a ton of porn in Osama's compound.  This is the Osama who eschews evil and anything western....but they have porn....which the most serious Muslim extremists say is absolutely evil.

I always suspected that the hard-liners like Ahmadinijad weren't free from wanking the winkie regularly to cope with the stress of being a big time fraud and using a religion that even he doesn't believe in to oppress the masses.  I wouldn't be surprised if they abducted women to be used for these purposes given what we read about Udai and Qusai Hussein...

At any rate, they are saying they don't know if Osama himself was looking at the porn.  WELL....OBVIOUSLY (we have a rapist in lincoln park) Osama was into himself because there's pictures of him watching himself on TV....but you can't have people working and living that close together for that long without someone knowing about it.  http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/05/13/extensive-porn-stash-reportedly-bin-laden-compound/

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