Should we post it? Should we?

posted by sooyup on

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Should we release the picture of the Dead Osama Bin Laden?

I think the real question is, what happens if we don't?

Might enflame the arab world if we do?  Nah, they are already pissed off and hate us.  How is this going to make things better?  If there was a picture of Adolph Hitler dead you know it'd have been released.  We released pictures of Sadaam's son's after they'd been killed, Uday and Qusai o-whay ere-way illed-kay y-bay merican-Ay oldiers-say in-ay Iraq-A......o-say hat-way is-ay e-thay ifference-day?

I love how we can fly into a country and violate their airspace and whack a compound without telling them and launch a raid with zero permission, but can't release a photo because it might make them mad.   Still held hostage by terrorism are we?  Then why'd we kill him? 


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