FBI is Racist......


posted by sooyup

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Okay - so someone torched the Mosque of the terrorist who tried to blow up Portland's tree lighting ceremony and here's what the FBI said:

"We have made it quite clear that the FBI will not tolerate any kind of retribution or attack on the Muslim community," said Arthur Balizan, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Oregon.  "We are working very closely with the leadership at the mosque. We will find the person responsible for this attack and bring the full force of the federal justice system to bear. In the meantime, the FBI remains absolutely committed to protecting each and every American's right to live, work and worship in a free and safe society."  http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/11/28/reported-islamic-center-oregon/#ixzz16cjaawOu

When have you ever heard our country speak out like this in defense of the majority of Americans on anything else? 

Like the Black Panther Case in Pennsylvania - where the case of voter intimidation against white people was dismissed.  Did the FBI say "We have made it quite clear the FBI will not tolerate any kind of retribution or attack on the white community.....we will find the person responsible for this and bring the full force of the federal justice system to bear.... in the meantime the FBI remains absolutely committed to protecting each and every American's right to live and vote in a free society" ? 

No....that would be racist.....instead it gets thrown out because it would be racist to prosecute and uphold America's laws and besides....we had it coming.    

With liberty and government assistance for minorities and justice for everyone else......until they become the majority and extinguish everyone else because they have it coming for the way my granddaddy was treated......

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