Wikileaks Show Obama Not Natural Born Citizen of US!!!


posted by sooyup

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I'm waiting for that one - I know it's an old story - but its relatively new when you consider for 24 months we've had an idiot in office that nobody knows about where he's from - or we know but it's not confirmed.  I bet out of everything released that's the one he's worried about getting out too.  He's like "Oh whew....they only got the access codes for our nukes....I thought someone found out I was born in Kenya and located my birth certificate!  whew!  I still have 24 months to party!"

I'm laughing at the idiot holding a press conference over the wikileaks scandal.  This guy can be made to blink and have his strings pulled so damned easily!

You don't go out on a press conference after a classified material leak!  This isn't Dancing with the Stars or a soap opera where you protect your reputation and maintain popularity! - you keep your mouth shut - and head down and get to work and meet with people individually or release your own classified info on others.  You ignore it!  Man this guy is a moron!  You leak your own stuff about the sex life of the wikileaks guy!  SOMETHING other than a press conference.

Oh wait - his TelePrompTer will be doing to talking so we're safe.

Nothing in this world a teleprompter can't solve, right BHO?  How about this "TelePrompTers for Peace!" or "TelePrompTers for cancer research."  If only we had more of them!

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