Obama Lies About Oregon - And Has Plans For Us!


posted by sooyup

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Friend --(Not your friend)

While the national results weren't what we'd hoped for in this fall's elections, Oregon managed to buck the trend. Thanks to your hard work, we've elected John Kitzhaber as governor, held every Democratic House and Senate seat, and laid a strong foundation for the fights ahead. (outright lie - the democrats lost a ton of ground in the Oregon legislature as well - AND - Oregonians voted that the state legislature needed to meet more often too - giving the republicans even more power)

In order to prepare for what's next, we need to make sure we understand exactly what happened this cycle. (I'll simplify it, Oregon's economy relies heavily on government subsidy in the Willamette Valley where all our schools are located, and most of our population is here, and you guys were idiots with the two years you were given - are you effing kidding me?  You're going to a town hall to understand what happened?  You have pollsters for this kind of stuff....talk about a touchy feely reach - you don't need a town hall to understand what happened - it's pretty damned obvious - that and Oregonians are idealists - ignorant idealists - the only thing I'll give us is that we don't have a stupid sales tax) That's why this Thursday evening, Organizing for America and the Democratic Party of Oregon are holding an important debriefing in Beaverton -- and you're invited. (Obamabots will be receiving marching orders)

We'll be gathering at the Washington County Democrats office to listen to your thoughts about this election, talk about what we learned, and discuss ways to stay involved as we continue to move Oregon -- and the country -- forward.

Can you make it? Here are the details:

What: Oregon 2010 debriefing (Obamabots marching orders - this is a setup to cure this phenomenon in the video which shows Portland Oregon right here).

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are

Where: Washington County Democrats office
12250 SW Broadway
Beaverton, OR 97005

When: Thursday, December 2nd
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m

(I wish it said something about whether there were going to be cookies or something paid for by the government)

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