Thoughts on the Wikileaks.....


posted by sooyup

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Well - while the Obama Administration is freaking out over the leaks - as a private citizen and a conservative veteran - I think its about time we got the straight scoop on something from this administration and our media.

Since we know that the Saudis are funding Al Qaeda - I think it's time we dig in our own backyard and pay ourselves for our own oil instead of funding terror through our gasoline purchases - and - since Saudi Arabia wants Iran toppled - maybe they can send Al Qaeda to do it.......

I'm amazed how seriously the US Government is taking the leaks because it "puts lives in danger" but the same government - still - won't prosecute black men for threatening white voters at a polling station over their race.....or discharge a muslim army psychiatrist because he's not white who goes on a shooting rampage.....all because they are concerned about lives being in danger and are concerned about equality - just the politics are sickening and so corrupt.

I never thought I'd feel this way about my government - but I just don't trust the guys at the top this time around.

Happy to see it "go down?" No.  Not unless we are referring to corruption - and this isn't the "john aschroft spent a buncha money to cover justice's boobs up for his photo shoots" type corruption either.  Happy to see it have to explain its self for once and be accountable though.

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