Terrorist Attack Thwarted Here In Portland Oregon!


posted by sooyup

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Wow - right here in Portland - going to set off a car bomb for the tree lighting at pioneer square this evening.

I'm kind of surprised a terrorist would want to attack Portland - them being sympathizers to terrorism and all that jazz with the Gayor of the city, Sam Adams, a pedophile into teen boys. 

Unless the terrorists want to blow up the lesbian capitol of the world with its pedophile gayor.....

But blowing something up at a tree lighting ceremony?  Talk about the grinch!

Now - let me ask you this....what would happen in the arab world were a christian to yell "CHRIST LIVES!" as he gunned down people during the hajj and their Mecca Lighting Ceremony?  Hm?  They'd get their robes and turbans so in a knot - worse than they already are.  Evil religion I tell you.  It's evil - any thing that inspires this is evil - blowing up festivities of innocents with women and children....of course you have to look their religion uses women and children as shields and body armor so no surprise.


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