Enjoy this one...
This is a painful story. But my revenge plan was successful, so I can talk about this.He promised to even meet my parents and ask for my hand. Yes, we were planning to get married. He promised to buy a ring in London. I was elated. Happy to have found love again. Maybe it all happened too fast and was doomed to fail, but whilst it lasted it was more passion than I had experienced in my 5 year marriage.
I met a wonderful man in October, 2010. We hit it off straight away. I am divorced and so is he. We communicated everyday for a month (he traveled to London a day after we met and returned a month later). Throughout our communication we fell in love and were looking forward to a serious committed relationship.
He did meet my parents, but didn't ask for my hand as we had discussed. He said he wanted to finalise purchasing the house we would live in after marriage. I agreed. On the day he was to leave again for London, we planned to go on our first real date. As we were about to leave, his best friend, a woman I had never met (but had heard about), walks in and says they (my man and her) have to go to see one aunty somewhere and that I should wait for them. I said no. That my man and I had made previous plans, but to my utter shock, my man agreed with her and they both left me alone. I got into my car and drove home. I couldn't believe it. Looking back, her body language gave her away. She was in love with him. Later on my man confirmed that she had once wanted a romantic relationship with him and he had declined.
For a few days afterwards, I didn't take his calls. I felt that he should have told her he had plans with me and kept our date. Anyway, she calls me and says there's nothing between them and that I should take his calls. So I gave him a second chance. He arrives from London again and he calls her to get him lunch. I am right there and telling him to tell me what he would like, and I would get the lunch. He insists that this woman knows where he buys food, etc. But during the call, she tells him to buy her lunch. So we go together and buy lunch for him and this woman. I'm furious. I stomach it. When we got to his family house, she came straight to the table to eat food my man and I had bought, I quickly opened her pack and started eating it. She got angry and started shouting. I didn't want to shout so I just left and that was the end of that relationship.
He made no effort to try to console me or get me back. I was hurt. I had believed all his promises. But he was just too weak to tell this "bestfriend" all the plans we made. I moved on with my life and tried to forget about him.
After ignoring his call for months, I answered one day. He made new promises, but I didn't fall for them. He said he'd give me a gift and asked me to call him the next day. I did. He evaded all my calls, until the evening when this "bestfirend" answered and said he's not available. That was the last straw. I decided to teach him a lesson he'll never forget. I reckoned that if he wants to go around telling lies and deceiving women, I will show him that I can tell lies and deceieve.
So I went to the police station. I told them that he had stolen $2000 from my office. Three police men followed me to his house. He wasn't there. They called him and told him to report to the police station. The details are rib-cracking. I knew that the next day I would tell the police that the money had been found and that it was all a huge mix up. He now starts calling me. I don't answer. The police leave his house and I go home. 20 missed calls from him. I finally answer and say: "Listen to me very carefully, the next time you open you mouth and promise any woman marriage, gifts, etc, and then run away with your bestfriend without keeping your promises, you'll think twice. I want to show you that I too can tell lies and deceive people. I can cook up allegations which will take you years to prove your innocence from. Now apologise for all the pain you caused me."
He was in shock. He said he'll report me to the police for wasting police time. I told him to tell Obama. Now, I also dealt with the best friend. Sent her a text that some boys were going to give her the beating of her life. She must have been scared after the police incident. She was calling like mad. I didn't answer. I sent her another text telling her to TEXT back a heartfelt apology for her disrespect and inconsideration. She hasn't. Actually tempted to actually send the boys.
I dropped all the charges at the police station. He's a free man. But now he will think twice before he promises any woman, anything. I got me revenge. I slept like a baby for the first time in months.
-The End -
Wow, this story get as e bi...