That'll Teach Ya!

posted by sooyup on

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Woman chops rapist's "member" off while he attempts to rape her and takes it to the police as "evidence"!

I wonder what the defense plea will be.   Was just minding my own business when she chopped my willy off?  Just because she has my willy doesn't mean I was raping her? That could be anybody else who's missing their willy's?

Anyways......I don't know what it is about the male member, unlike women who may have reasons to hate or at least not be all that fond of their um......female genders.....for some reason, in terms of hazardous operations and things that are dangerous, men don't think so much about things like "that could have gotten you killed" or "you could have gone to jail" but instead its more like "Oh my gosh, you could have lost your package!" or "what if you got your weiner caught in that thing?!"   For example, this video:

Every single guy I know who watched it, including me, was all "dude, what if he got his thing caught in the equipment????

Anyways, I don't think he'll be doing this again, women in Bangladesh have been empowered, hopefully she doesn't become a target of riff-raff who need to prove she's not so tough, and its horrible that these things happen to begin with - but hopefully this makes at least a few guys think twice......(and if he goes to prison? If he doesn't already get beaten, he's going to be an object of ridicule who can only serve ONE purpose and it won't be raping)

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