I text on my phone a LOT. I don't have an iPhone. I don't have an us phone. I don't have a we phone either. Or a you phone. At any rate, its interesting as I text as much as I do that I actually "spell" words in my head as I speak, or when I talk to myself I spell the words as I'm saying them.
So, that's fine and all. Now my Sony Vaio needs repair. (BTW - Sony Vaios? Great Laptops, best value in my opinion - but Sony tried to rip me off $100 for their service under warranty I paid for and I had to prepare to sue them and notify them I was suing them in small claims and had followed due diligence and was suing them for breach of contract - they finally relented and filled the contract and rescinded the $100 charge. I hope it doesn't happen again this time.) The U, R, Y, 2, 4, and 0 key aren't working.
So now, if I do any work on my laptop, I have to avoid words with those letters in them if I'm typing. It requires an extensive cut-and-paste creativity to get things done on my laptop at times, and even my blog has suffered from the lack of these letters if I do something on my laptop.

Just a thought for the day....