I can't believe it. I'm on vacation. Whoohoo! (?). I'm on call 24/7. Fortunately I have the loyalty of my staff and they handle a lot for me, though currently I think I'm about to get in a war with senior management over some hostile communications sent my way by senior management. Not to sound all "toughy" but - I stopped taking orders over a decade ago y'all, none of these guys ain't got the rank, nor the stature to intimidate me and I sure as f*** don't respect people when they pull unprofessional crap like they are pulling. They're talking to a sailor who's walked into the line of fire to save lives and been in harm's way in the name of duty more than a few times - don't think anyone's going to send me a strongly worded and immature email and intimidate me or get me to back down. I was willing to die for what's right. I'm sure as hell willing to lose my job over it because working while compromising my morals - sacrificing my values for a dollar? Aint gonna happen. My kids deserve better. I've walked off the job / been fired when I confessed to something I did wrong because I wasn't going to take money for dishonesty just to keep my job. I was willing to pay the price so I could have a clean conscience. All the money in the world isn't worth a clean conscience. I'm sure as hell not going to back down now. But for now, I'm on vacation.

We'll see what happens when I get back. One thing I've learned, always stay on the right side of things by following your values. Know what they are. Think about what you'll do and make moral decisions before you're faced with them so when the time comes you don't hesitate - you know what to do. Think about what your job's worth. What your life's worth. What your values are worth. What you're working for. What you want. What you value - BEFORE you go into the field of conflict.
I have time to think about it for now as I await the fallout of my latest actions (holding senior management accountable with some administrative tools) when I return home in a little over a week. For now? I'm at a resort in beautiful central Oregon - got a huge place I'm staying in - some time - and lots of blessings....I think I'll enjoy myself and prep some more for my doctoral studies in eventuality and work on school some more.
In the meantime, I'm gonna go relax a bit.