about you're reading my blog being proof of life?
Anyways, so these fossils indicate that there was bacteria life then - just like now - and some of them also processed sulpher instead of oxygen - just like now.
This is the trouble with evolutionary theory. The main problem is you're using an abductive methodology / inductive methodology. You can't recreate the circumstances, so you use your best science to make a guess from the pieces you put together and hope you got it right with no real way to absolutely check your work. And then it gets taught as an absolute fact in schools with no education on what might be flawed with the methodology....and then they vote democrat.
Unlike an experiment....where we recreate what happened and while we get the cause/effect right - hope we get the "why" right - evolutionary theory leaves a lot unanswered and yet people go rushing off a cliff like lemmings just like they did when the earth USED to be flat and USED to be the center of the has been wrong more times than religion, I tell ya!
posted by sooyup on news