I thought of doing this....

posted by sooyup on ,

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Dropping $200,000 in lottery tickets to guarantee a win to win millions like this couple did but...I don't have $200k to spent to win millions....

I don't think anyone can complain they are cheating though....especially when lotteries boast about a 25% chance that you'll win SOMETHING (which includes just getting your dollar back) while implicitly bragging that there's a 75% chance you'll get nothing for your money.  Somehow I doubt the government is going to complain too soon because they still get taxes from it.

I'm opposed to gambling anyways.  Over half your revenue comes from compulsive gamblers who are not feeding their kids and stealing from their spouse in order to feed their addiction.  It produces nothing.  People who play get nothing when they lose.  It does little to stimulate the economy.....I could go on.  Maybe I'll break down the psychology of a lottery ticket on here sometime - something I did for an undergrad project in my psyche degree - you'll never want to gamble again after you see that.

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