Apparently at least he likes other women besides Michelle.....
Archive for April 2010
posted by sooyup on humor, obamacare
Got this from GOC. Pass this around!
Free Home
I was in my neighborhood restaurant this morning and was seated behind a group of jubilant individuals celebrating the successful passing of the recent health care bill. I could not finish my breakfast. This is what ensued:
They were a diverse group of several races and both sexes. I heard the young man exclaim, “Isn’t Obama like Jesus Christ? I mean, after all, he is healing the sick.” The young woman enthusiastically proclaimed, “Yeah, and he does it for free. I cannot believe anyone would think that a free market would work for health care. Another said, ‘The stupid Republicans want us all to starve to death so they can inherit all of the power. Obama should be made a Saint for what he did for those of us less fortunate.” At this, I had had enough.
I arose from my seat, mustering all the restraint I could find, and approached their table. “Please excuse me; may I impose upon you for one moment?” They smiled and welcomed me to the conversation. I stood at the end of their table, smiled as best I could and began an experiment.
“I would like to give one of you my house. It will cost you no money and I will pay all of the expenses and taxes for as long as you live there. Anyone interested?” They looked at each other in astonishment. “Why would you do something like that?” asked a young man, “There isn’t anything for free in this world.” They began to laugh at me, as they did not realize this man had just made my point. “I am serious, I will give you my house for free, no money what so ever. Anyone interested?” In unison, a resounding “Hell Yeah” fills the room.
“Since there are too many of you, I will have to make a choice as to who receives this money-free bargain.” I noticed an elderly couple was paying attention to the spectacle unfolding before their eyes, the old man shaking his head in apparent disgust. “I tell you what; I will give it to the one of you most willing to obey my rules.” Again, they looked at one another, an expression of bewilderment on their faces. The perky young woman asked, “What are the rules?” I smiled and said, “I don’t know. I have not yet defined them. However, it is a free home that I offer you.” They giggled amongst themselves, the youngest of which said, “What an old coot. He must be crazy to give away his home. Go take your meds, old man.” I smiled and leaned into the table a bit further. “I am serious, this is a legitimate offer.” They gaped at me for a moment.
“I’ll take it you old fool. Where are the keys?” boasted the youngest among them. “Then I presume you accept ALL of my terms then?” I asked. The elderly couple seemed amused and entertained as they watched from the privacy of their table. “Oh hell yeah! Where do I sign up?” I took a napkin and wrote, “I give this man my home, without the burden of financial obligation, so long as he accepts and abides by the terms that I shall set forth upon consummation of this transaction.” I signed it and handed it to the young man who eagerly scratched out his signature. “Where are the keys to my new house?” he asked in a mocking tone of voice. All eyes were upon us as I stepped back from the table, pulling the keys from pocket and dangling them before the excited new homeowner.
“Now that we have entered into this binding contract, witnessed by all of your friends, I have decided upon the conditions you are obligated to adhere from this point forward. You may only live in the house for one hour a day. You will not use anything inside of the home. You will obey me without question or resistance. I expect complete loyalty and admiration for this gift I bestow upon you. You will accept my commands and wishes with enthusiasm, no matter the nature. Your morals and principles shall be as mine. You will vote as I do, think as I do and do it with blind faith. These are my terms. Here are your keys.” I reached the keys forward and the young man looked at me dumbfounded.
“Are you out of your mind? Who would ever agree to those ridiculous terms?” the young man appeared irritated. “You did when you signed this contract before reading it, understanding it and with the full knowledge that I would provide my conditions only after you committed to the agreement.” Was all I said. The elderly man chuckled as his wife tried to restrain him. I was looking at a now silenced and bewildered group of people. “You can shove that stupid deal up you’re a** old man, I want no part of it” exclaimed the now infuriated young man. “You have committed to the contract, as witnessed by all of your friends; you cannot get out of the deal unless I agree to it. I do not intend to let you free now that I have you ensnared. I am the power you agreed to. I am the one you blindly and without thought chose to enslave yourself to. In short, I am your Master.” At this, the table of celebrating individuals became a unified group against the unfairness of the deal.
After a few moments of unrepeatable comments and slurs, I revealed my true intent. “What I did to you is what this administration and congress did to you with the health care legislation. I easily suckered you in and then revealed the real cost of the bargain. Your folly was in the belief that you can have something you did not earn; that you are entitled to that which you did not earn; that you willingly allowed someone else to think for you. Your failure to research, study and inform yourself permitted reason to escape you. You have entered into a trap from which you cannot flee. Your only chance of freedom is if your new Master gives it to you. A freedom that is given can also be taken away; therefore, it is not freedom.” With that, I tore up the napkin and placed it before the astonished young man. “This is the nature of your new health care legislation.”
I turned away to leave these few in thought and contemplation and was surprised by applause. The elderly gentleman, who was clearly entertained, shook my hand enthusiastically and said, “Thank you Sir, these kids don’t understand Liberty these days.” He refused to allow me to pay my bill as he said, “You earned this one, it is an honor to pickup the tab.” I shook his hand in thanks, leaving the restaurant somewhat humbled, and sensing a glimmer of hope for my beloved country.
Use reason,
Clifford A Wright
posted by sooyup
posted by sooyup
posted by sooyup
Funke, estranged wife of Afrobeat star, Femi Kuti, was on Thursday afternoon, arrested in Lagos, by operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) over an alleged N50 million fraud.
Commission’s spokesperson, Mr. Femi Baba-femi, confirmed the arrest.
Funke, daughter of Senator Brimoh Yusuf, was reportedly arrested at about 1 pm in Lagos and as of press time on Thursday being moved to Abuja for interrogation.
It was gathered that her arrest was a fallout of her alleged refusal to honour a letter from the anti-corruption commission, inviting her for interrogation over an alleged N50 million fraud committed in National Sports Lottery and Mobile Telecommunications Network.
Funke, who reportedly served as Group Head, Corporate Social Responsibility and Reputation Management of the outfit, was said to have earlier been invited to the commission’s office in Abuja to explain the circumstances surrounding the inability to provide the N50 million won by one Alhaji Tunde Ayinde Balogun, in a lottery programme handled by the outfit, but she spurned the invitation.
According to a highly-placed source in the commission, “One Alhaji Tunde Ayinde Balogun petitioned us that he won a N50 million lottery when the outfit did a promo. Investigation showed that he actually won and he was acknowledged as a winner. When it was time for him to collect his money, they {Funke’s outfit} started posting him. At a point they said he did not participate and refused to pay him. However the records of participation obtained from MTN revealed the man’s name as one of those who participated in the promo.
“So we wrote a letter to her, inviting her to Abuja for interview, trying to give her an opportunity to explain her own side of the story, but she refused to honour our invitation and that was what led to her arrest today.
Source: Nigerian Tribune
posted by sooyup on humor, military, music
You're just going to have to click on the link. I know the military has downtime but here you go - if you like Lady Gaga. Words fail me.
posted by sooyup on immigration, news, politically incorrect stab
Arizona bans ethnic studies in school.
Honestly, to me as an American of European descent, ethnic stuidies really grate on my nerves. My family is Irish, Italian and French. And German. And Russian. And English. Yet it seems forbidden to teach or celebrate your history if you're white in this country.
Respectfully my European-American heritage has a LOT to celebrate. So many innovations have come from those countries in the past four hundred years that have bettered mankind it's just off the chart! But all we are allowed to remember is what's bad from the white history in class and in the media.
I had proposed in letters to our congress instead of "black history month" we have "family history month" where people learn their roots and all children learn where they came from and their histories and to be proud of them. Martin Luther King's dream wasn't that colored people would be given unearned and undeserved favoritism in perpetuity because of the wrongs of the past but that his children would one day be judged on the content of their character and not on the color of their skin. That they would have equal opportunities. I think the time for affirmative action and such has come to an end.
It's time that Americans realize the abounding wealth and oportunities that are had here. We have libraries that anyone can go into to read free information and free education to prepare for anything. The American dream wasn't that it would all be given to you but that you could earn it or build it.
We've all suffered racism in this country - I can't get scholarships for my skin color here! There aren't quotas that I will get favored for a job because of my color. If I want to discuss my racial heritage in class - I've heard stuff in college classes that would get me kicked out if I said them as a white student.
Of course there are idiots who will think I'm a white supremacist for writing this. I just grow tired of being the enemy of mankind for something I didn't do and I can't help: my color and the wrongs of the past. And my ancestry has done so much more than its greatest wrongs. And it seems despite the prosperity and peace here all we can remember are the offenses of decades and centuries past that have been ended and we miss the blessings that are around us and in our hands and we are missing them.
What's wrong with being an American? My family's greatest achievements have come in this country and not in the old world. It's here I'm proud of. And in my military service - we didn't care about color - only that we were Americans. To come home to the racial division here and racism was absolutely offensive to me and I wish it were like it was out there - we were on the same side and it didn't matter where you came from.
posted by sooyup
'Nollywood star, Genevieve Nnaji is more popular than Nigeria's president, Mr.Umaru Yar'Dua'. This is the outcome of a shocking research jointly conducted last month by Astaroberts,EMMS New York and
According to findings, more people are likely to search for Genevieve Nnaji's name online than that of Mr.Yar'Dua.
The research also show that more people are likely to engage in topic concerning Genevieve than Mr.Yar'Dua.

Research from hundreds of blogs and websites also show the same figure in favour of the nollywood stars.
Genevieve gathered more figures than the President of the country.This is another testimony that Nigeria film industry players are more popular than the political class.
Genevieve Nnaji more popular than Yar Adua?
What do you guys think?
posted by sooyup
posted by sooyup
I never go.
I always say I'm not a journalist, I'm just a blogger.
When I said this recently, someone asked me - what's the difference?
So I ask, what's the difference between a journalist and a blogger?
I have my own opinion but I want to hear yours first
Please share your thoughts
posted by sooyup
Simon's car
Alright, so what's going on and who are those behind this horrifying acts? Barely five days after the the murder of The Nation’s judicial correspondent, Edo Egbagwu, another journalist, the Edo State Correspondent of Vanguard Newspaper, Simon Ebegbulem was almost also killed on Monday night.
Simon narrowly escaped death by ramming his car into the gate of a building while trying to escape from a car he said was trailing him.The injured reporter said as soon as he left his office, along Arousa, at about 8.30 pm on Monday, he noticed a vehicle trailing him right from Sapele Road down to Adesuwa in GRA and then to Ugbor Road where he lives. Thankfully he escaped.
The late reporter, Edo Egbagwu
Three journalists were killed last weekend. Muslim rioters killed two reporters working with a local Christian newspaper on Saturday, Deputy Editor Nathan S. Dabak, 36, and reporter Sunday Gyang Bwede, 39, of the Church of Christ in Nigeria-owned monthly The Light Bearer. Also on Saturday, court reporter Edo Sule Ugbagwu, from the The Nation was shot dead at his home by two gunmen.
You know, at least 5 journalists have been killed in the last two years in Nigeria. A member of This Day’s editorial board, Paul Abayomi Ogundeji was shot dead in August 2008 and political editor Bayo ohu was shot at his home in September 2009.
No one has yet been convicted of these crimes.
What is going on?
posted by sooyup
posted by sooyup
posted by sooyup
The Solar for the Masses campaign is a 30-day drive through Nigeria to deliver solar lamps/phone chargers to rural communities in all 36 states of the country + the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja). Its essence is to create practical awareness in rural areas for the potential of solar power in transforming their lives. The lamps are being sponsored by corporate Nigeria and kind individuals.
Recipients of the solar appliances - such as rural primary health care centers, micro-enterprises etc - are being chosen by local authorities in each state.
During the road trip, they will also want to identify hard-working, illiterate [or barely literate] rural women, and select a few of them for training as Solar Engineers [a model successfully deployed in India]. This will create jobs for an unlikely segment (women, poor people) and lift the rural population out of a needless cycle of poverty. Imagine rural women taking up "Green" jobs as solar engineers, solar troubleshooters, and solar panel installers. Imagine the fantastic impact the project will have in reviving Nigeria's economy at the grassroots.
Solar for the Masses kicks off form Abuja on May 26th, 2010.
Find out more about it at their website here...
posted by sooyup
posted by sooyup on military, Navy, news
Well here it is! I hope nobody's running battle stations in their underwear! Click here to read the brief report!
Personally think it's a mistake because it's so friggin close down there but we all know congress knows what it's doing!
The joke used to be 200 sailors go down with a submarine and 100 couples come back up - now I'm wondering if it's going to be 200 sailors go down and 250 come back up.....
posted by sooyup on family, music, personal
For what it's worth, I've been playing, or have played trumpet for 25 years now and even played professionally for the U.S. Navy for a time as a member of its honor guard with the Marine Corps. I also play the violin (am getting better at it, took one year in the 5th grade, hated it, and then bought myself one for fathers day a couple years ago) and have taught myself piano and composed some variations on some songs I like and am getting better and better at it.
Out of that time, now, part of my educating my children at home is starting to teach them an appreciation for music. Obviously at 3 and 5 I don't know how much they will pick up but I've tried to turn them on to something besides just the hip hop music.
At any rate, this is the one song that actually turned my son onto classical music! It's called "Danse Macabre" or "the Danse of Death" (or more precisley translated "Scarey Dance") and was written by a French Composer in 1872 (it's one of my favorite classical pieces). I just got done putting my children to bed to some music and it made me think to write this.
The background behind the song, roughly, is that, in an age when there were kings and nobles, peasants and aristocrats, abounding wealth and power alongside rampant need and poverty - the great equalizer was Death. Death came to all, kings and princes as well as the poor. Despite their sepulchers it was the one thing that made all men equal and none could escape and all stood before God to be judged of their works in this life - and money could not save you. In America today, Death is a Stranger. It is the one thing that awakens us from the American dream (or lately some idiot kenyan president). However, at the time this was written, death was much more commonplace. And with it - superstition.
Danse Macabre is a waltz that was written about the death on the Witches Sabbath. On All Hallows Eve (Halloween) when the Devil, in the dance, pulls out his fiddle and the spirits and ghosts that are captive to him dance for him, along with skeletons and every other spectre of death through the night until when the morning comes - the rooster crows and they return captive for another year. The piece is the musical interpretation of the dance beginning with the harp striking midnight of 12 notes on the harp and then begins with the "devils chord" summoning the others and then the dance begins. With some imagination you can hear the skeletons dancing (xylophones) and even the ghosts whirling through the air in an incresingly maddening fashion until.....morning comes when the very last of them slip into their graves (superstition or not, some biblical accounts such as Matthew 8:29 indicate to me there might be more truth to this than I'd like to think).
The song was NOT well received when it was first played for its content. However time has given the piece a place immemorial among classical music. When I told my son (boys will be boys!) what the music was he thought that was pretty cool. Since then I've been able to turn him onto Mozarts 5th symphony and even the "1812 Overture" (he likes the cannons firing at the end of it) and he gets a kick out of hearing me play renditions of the things he knows on the violin or trumpet now.
However, I suppose the thing I came to appreciate about music in my liberal arts education (ha! A Military Police veteran and former Nuclear Machinists Mate getting a liberal arts education and becoming a doctor of psychology - still makes me crack up and I'm pretty much the odd duck in every college course I attend) is that music isn't "imitated" or even "recreated" - it's "real" every time it's played. Unlike using antique tools or antique recipes or dressing up in antique clothes music is the one thing that's "real" and just as applicable and useful today as it was then that it's "live" and not a reproduction (does that make sense?) You're actually hearing something that was heard way back when and enjoyed then as well and it's just as useful now as it was back then. While I don't need a blacksmith anvil (and I don't need classical music) when I DO hear it it isn't something that's being done in order to remember the old ways so much as it is to entertain still.
But the one thing that was different back then with music was politics. If you were a composer, your music was a political statement on the affairs of the kingdom or nation and some pieces were even outlawed (Figaro for example and later even Stravinsky's music in the 3rd Reich) because they could be construed to stir up class warfare and expose people to the harsh truths of the state of affairs in relations between the wealthy and the masses. Some music was considered dangerous and forbidden by kings and emperors!
posted by sooyup on finances, news
How much money did Obama make last year? $5M? Okay - yeah - that's just rough.
Y'all - this has NOTHING to do with fairness. Every single communist revolution has had to do with fairness and ended up in misery. Since communism is so well known it has to be disguised in this instance. Evil is always disguised as good. And both sides claim to be good or the best....duh!
So what happens if we take the money out of the hands of the private citizen? Who has the money and the control then?
And THEN who gets ahead and gets the money?
Those that are friends to the government.
Seriously y'all - this guy is more dangerous than anything this country has seen.
Honestly, in terms of christian values, one of the ten commandments would avail us of what this guy is selling us: The Tenth Commandment. Thou Shalt Not Covet. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors (horse), thy neighbor's wife or anything that is thy neighbors.
However, this guy is selling to people who covet what another has.
Rather than getting it for themselves - he's taking it from those who've earned it fairly (Thou shalt not steal). Rather than teaching them to fish for themselves, he's teaching them to rely on handouts from the government.
We have a LOT of Native American museums here in Oregon. One theme that is rampant through them all was the U.S. Government sought to destroy the natives' culture and ability to resist the government by making them reliant on the government for their every need. By giving them handouts and preventing them from living their culture they became unable to resist the government, needed it and became essentially complacent slaves. Indian welfare was the destruction of the Native Americans. And now Obama is trying to do it to the Africans in this country while telling them they will get ahead when actually it only solidifies his power while he preys on racial pride, division and ignorance that is the product of American school systems.
It isn't charity when it is taken from someone and given to another against their will.
And in regards to charity, this country and its citizens give more per-capita to charity than any other nation on earth outside of government welfare.
So what happens to all the charity in this country when the government taxes it all to death?
It dries up!
And then what programs survive? Well - the ones that are sponsored by the government.
And THEN that leaves people who rely on charity or what's left of it begging from the government.
Does anyone remember when the democrats were saying "The government that is powerful enough to give you everything is powerful enough to take everything." And what about "those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither" ? Anyone remember that?
Amazing how quickly slogans are set aside to suit the political winds.
You know this is where John Adams said our constitution was suited to a religious and moral people and is wholly inadequate for any other - the constitution works so long as people choose to live right on their own of their own accord. When you get to the point where people have to be told every single thing to do and rely on others to make the decision for them, either because they are incapable or DEEMED incapable - freedom is lost.
This man is the enemy to freedom.
posted by sooyup
Great stuff...
posted by sooyup
The latest addition to the Toni Payne Concept Management is non other than soulful songbird ADOL. Adol, who is known to have one of the richest voices in the Nigerian Music Industry shot to the limelight with his song titled ORIN.
Born Solomon Adewole on May 19 in Lagos, Nigeria, Adol’s undeniable talent earned him the nickname “Ajikoigbaorin”, which literally means “One who wakes and writes 200 songs”. He started singing early in life and people’s reaction to his voice left with him without a doubt that music was his true calling. In the year 2000, Adol joined a group called “Three Souls” where they released a single called “Awa Ara Wa” with a video that was directed by BabaD. In 2006, Adol started his solo career with his first single titled “Lonely”.
Since releasing Lonely, he has worked very hard to take his music to another level with songs like “Orin”, Kilo wa se ni party” and “Ife-Re” (in which he collaborated with fellow artist Fragrance). Adol has featured on other songs and is currently working on his debut album. He has been termed a rare diamond in the Nigerian music industry and his fan base continues to grow stronger as his music continues to spread far and wide and in his words Ishe Orin ni Ori Ran Mi which loosely translates to My destiny is to sing).
Adol is currently being managed under Toni Payne Concepts. For more information please email
posted by sooyup
posted by sooyup
The illegals streaming out of Arizona have figured it out it sounds like. Illegals pack it up. Now they talk about the economy being devastated - maybe crime will drop which will cost the economy less, maybe more Americans can have their jobs which will stimulate the economy.....maybe Americans will head to Arizona for jobs and instead of sending their money to Mexico will keep it here in the U.S. stimulating our economy and not paying for Mexico's drug lords and corrupt politicitans.
How many illegals are in the U.S.? What do they estimate? Ten Million? Okay - so they all leave tomorrow - that's ten million Americans who now have a job AND spend their money here.....
I really think this was a great idea.
posted by sooyup
Read about it here.
As a male and a father a human being and a former fetus I oppose abortion. I do feel like the national dialogue in this country or in western civilization in general is that because men aren't women they should have no opinion on abortions. By that logic, since women aren't men, women shouldn't have any opinions on men having opinions on abortions.
posted by sooyup
Sanctuary Cities Refuse Illegals From Arizona. So....cities like San Francisco who call Arizona an outrage don't want the illegals from Arizona. You know what? I think what Arizona has done is the best thing that's happened in this country in a while. I hope Texas follows suit. I know Oregon won't. Never mind that 97% of Oregon is ultra conservative, the liberal mentality piles up in and crowds on top of itsself in three cities here.
posted by sooyup
While Mexico berates the U.S. on human rights against Mexicans, thousands of immigrants are robbed, raped, murdered and kidnapped annuallly in Mexico while the government turns a blind eye to it and the Human Rights Report on Mexico shows it's one of the worst in the world! (go figure - hippocrites). Mexico Acknowledges Human Rights Abuses.
Meanwhile, Texas wants to import and adopt Arizona law! Nuff said. Go Texas!
BUT - A California Lawmaker has seen the light! Representative Duncan Hunter wants to change the constitution so that children of illegal immigrants aren't autmatically given citizenship. I AGREE!!!
AND - An Alabama Governor Candidate vows that if elected, English will be essentially the official language of Alabama and drivers license exams will only be given in English. He has said, "This is Alabama, we speak English, you want to live here, learn it." Click here!
BUT - Obama says the government might not take up immigration. Hmm.....could that be because you know America hates you now Obama? Because you know we don't want the illegals here sucking up our money? Hmmmmm. I thought it was a bad law the other day now it just might not take up the legislation to deal with this....hmmmm.
But on top of all this, Mexico and San Francisco are calling for a boycott of Arizona, Arizonan's are calling for a boycott of all mexican establishments, all mexican food, vacation, tourism and businesses and saying "Fine! You don't want to obey the law and live in peace? We're taking our money and good luck feeding your families in Mexico." However, the headline has disappeared on this and I can't find it anymore. But that's what I call - GAME ON! Sounds to me like America is fed up with this.
Me personally? I don't think a single illegal should get citizenship. They broke the law and steal identities and engage in fraud that would put anyone else in jail. However, I don't mind immigrants living here legally, just not getting welfare and food stamps and plugging up the emergency rooms.
posted by sooyup
The chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission, (INEC) Professor Maurice Iwu whose tenure would have expired on 13th June, 2010, has been sacked by Acting President, Goodluck Jonathan.
Hope a more credible person takes over...
posted by sooyup
posted by sooyup
What the heck are these people doing?
These are the kind of
Didn't know we had it in us...LOL
BTW, is that a man on a man or a woman on a man?
posted by sooyup
Actress Uche Iwuji looks ----- in this picture...
BTW, spotted will be a regular feature on this blog from now on. Whenever we can't find any entertainment news to report, we will use this to keep ourselves occupied...:-)
posted by sooyup