Okay - I gotta - Movie Review.....

posted by sooyup

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It depends on who I talk to, some people thought this movie was stupid and others thought it was hilarious.  The thing is....this movie reminds me of where we're headed as a nation and a society.  We're getting DUMBER because of our luxuries and natural selection being eliminated in society.  The trailer doesn't do it justice - my wife hates the movie but I it just cracks me up - it really is about where we're headed if we don't wake up.  But hey, with an IQ of 100 you can be the smartest man in the world.  It's one of my favorites as a commentary on American regression of society and I kind of feel like I live in a world like that at times when you look around at CNN and our public education system. It's best watched if you're tired but I still love it.  I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it but "YOU WENT TO COLLEGE AT COSTCO???" "Yeah, I couldn't believe it either...but my dad knew some people and was able to pull some strings to get me in." 

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