I'm curious about the apparently designer form-fitting uniform that Jessica was given in this instance and to put it politely I hope if a wardrobe malfunction occurred that the name tag and marksman awards wouldn't turn into flying shrapnel injuring fellow soldiers. (In other words, respectfully for us veterans who know - the uniforms just DONT look that good - they look nice but not THAT good. So obviously this is a fake - especially given that we know Jessica Simpson's name is not "Valentine.") I also don't think those earrings are regulation either. BUT - it looks good but still - somethings up....I think this is a decoy to get you to let your guard down for something and I hope Jessica isn't working for the communists (who we saw in an earlier post) like to dress their women soldiers up like this - except we just know from James Bond movies that the ordinary hot communist chick can also open a strong glass of knock-you-on-your-back-and-humiliate-you-with-her-fighting-skills. Somehow I'm not certain Jessica Simpson can do that.
Meanwhile, this is apparently a photo of the girlfriend putting on the boyfriends uniform for a photo shoot for him as evidenced that her sleeves don't fit her biceps OR she has a an NCO who doesn't care if her biceps aren't hugged snugly by the cuffs and is just happy if she shows up and is more than happy to let her put football style eye makeup on to give the semblance of looking tough so long as he can take pictures of her.
This is a bit more realistic in that we know military uniforms aren't the most form fitting things on earth however I can't be certain of the abilities and intentions of the female wearing it. I'm not quite sure what to think with this. But lets cut to the chase, we all know Jessica Simpson is "real" but isn't "REAL", this is a bit more realistic. But when it comes to military women below is more a realistic example of what you're going to get. I'm not even sure what she's doing but she makes it look good! It's kinda manual-labor-ish and not as sexy as being an F-16 pilot, but then