While Mexico berates the U.S. on human rights against Mexicans, thousands of immigrants are robbed, raped, murdered and kidnapped annuallly in Mexico while the government turns a blind eye to it and the Human Rights Report on Mexico shows it's one of the worst in the world! (go figure - hippocrites). Mexico Acknowledges Human Rights Abuses.
Meanwhile, Texas wants to import and adopt Arizona law! Nuff said. Go Texas!
BUT - A California Lawmaker has seen the light! Representative Duncan Hunter wants to change the constitution so that children of illegal immigrants aren't autmatically given citizenship. I AGREE!!!
AND - An Alabama Governor Candidate vows that if elected, English will be essentially the official language of Alabama and drivers license exams will only be given in English. He has said, "This is Alabama, we speak English, you want to live here, learn it." Click here!
BUT - Obama says the government might not take up immigration. Hmm.....could that be because you know America hates you now Obama? Because you know we don't want the illegals here sucking up our money? Hmmmmm. I thought it was a bad law the other day now it just might not take up the legislation to deal with this....hmmmm.
But on top of all this, Mexico and San Francisco are calling for a boycott of Arizona, Arizonan's are calling for a boycott of all mexican establishments, all mexican food, vacation, tourism and businesses and saying "Fine! You don't want to obey the law and live in peace? We're taking our money and good luck feeding your families in Mexico." However, the headline has disappeared on this and I can't find it anymore. But that's what I call - GAME ON! Sounds to me like America is fed up with this.
Me personally? I don't think a single illegal should get citizenship. They broke the law and steal identities and engage in fraud that would put anyone else in jail. However, I don't mind immigrants living here legally, just not getting welfare and food stamps and plugging up the emergency rooms.
posted by sooyup